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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Covid_19_Protecting_Your_Family_Dr_Dave_Price; WATCH THIS VIDEO!

Practical info from a NY ER Doctor

I had to share this link.

This is a clear, practical and earnest discussion by a critical care physician in NYC of what you can do to protect yourself and your family from COVID 19.

Please watch it. You will be well informed, less scared and more capable of dealing with the current situation. Your children can watch it too without feeling frightened.

It lasts 60 minutes; every minute imparts valuable information.

Please share with your family and friends.



  1. Very informative, thanks Joe. I appreciate you seeing this outbreak for what it was even back when the news was insinuating it was a hoax.

  2. Sitting here at Sarasota Memorial waiting for my husband after out patient surgery. This place is empty. No visitors. Very quiet for a huge hospital. Temperature tested at the door - free to roam to cafeteria etc.

  3. Its not a hoax but it is collusion. The democrats and china

  4. Dave T: thanks much for sharing this. Very helpful!!

  5. Thanks Dave T for sharing


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