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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Believe Whatever You Like 3-21-2020

Just In
Ladies & Gentlemen, As you know I published a story this morning, (below) that suggests we as a country may need to prepare for a complete shut down in the United States. I purposely titled it, This is what I'm hearing

I want all of you to understand something very important. I have been withholding inside information for a good two weeks now as to not panic anyone. For those of you who have spoken to me over the phone and or in person can confirm I have been 100% accurate on every step of the way. I've even amazed some people with the information that has come to fruition. 

That being said, my article is a WARNING! You can debunk it all you want, most everything in that article is accurate. For those of you who want to claim they're coming up with a solution drug to reverse the Coronavirus, it would take 12 to 16 months to produce it. 

We are 3 weeks behind Italy and you have seen the devastation there. America will not sit around waiting for this virus to spread and a nation wide quarantine is a necessity. The ONLY way to go after this is to quarantine, period. It's ALL about the SPREAD of this virus. If we quarantine, (as inconvenient as it may be)  the virus cannot spread to the masses. There is NO other solution right now, so expect it to happen. 

President Trump is a genius. He's left it to each individual state Governor to decide what direction he/she feels is necessary, (for now).  You are seeing parts of this country already shutting down. It's only a matter of time for the rest of the country follows suit. 

What I'm hearing from my sources is that it could be within the next 24 to 48 hours the National Guard will step in. They are staged in Wicomico County. You read about Baltimore yesterday. My message to you today is, I have a duty to tell you what is going on. I am hearing from great sources we are looking at a shut down. I have shared this message and it is up to all of you to either prepare, OR NOT! It is your choice. Whether it happens within the next 24 to 48 hours, that is to be determined. 

I'll repeat. It's about the SPREAD of the virus. Let me also add, to those of you IDIOTS who want to compare flu deaths in the US to this virus, how can you people be so stupid. This virus is NEW, fools. There is NO comparison at this time. As for the daily numbers we are publishing testing positive, the tests results are taking up to three weeks to get results. They are so overwhelmed it is taking way too long to get results. Nevertheless, each day, (now that tests are being processed) you are seeing Maryland's number jump trough the roof. The spread of this virus needs to be stopped. 

With or without the President's direction, Governor Hogan needs to take the bull by the horn and quarantine Maryland residents. His foolish mistake over St. Patrick's Day weekend by not shutting down Ocean City was foolish. Yes, he did call the large bar owners and asked them to shut down, (one actually did) the bar owners defied his request and possibly thousands of people were exposed by a woman who ultimately tested positive. Now the Mayor of Ocean City is requesting no one come to Ocean City AFTER the fact. 

You people are treating this time off like it is a vacation. You are NOT taking it seriously and this is one of the key reasons I personally believe President Trump will insist on a complete shut down. It's not only the healthiest things to do, it's the right thing to do. 

One last thing. Put yourself in Trump's shoes. You take his place. HOW do you shut down and entire country. It takes a LOT of time to prepare for such a thing as massive as this is. So when you Idiots ask, why didn't he do this sooner? Well first off any president would't want to create such panic. Then there's figuring out how everyone is going to get food to survive, hospitals being prepared, nursing homes, equipment, looting, the list goes on and on. I personally believe President Trump has done an incredible job so far and I wouldn't wish this on ANY President. 

So take ALL of this information any way you like. I can tell you I have done my job. I have shared what I know and it is up to YOU to decide if you want to prepare or not. God Speed All Of You.


  1. Thank you for your information, This is serious. The medical professionals in my family have been warning us for weeks about the seriousness of this pandemic and to be prepared,

  2. Thanks for all you do Joe

  3. Amen, Mr. Albero. If people would've just done what was asked from the start, we might not be facing a total quarantine. But, so many think they know more than the experts. All I can do is shake my head and pray we get through this safely. Thanks for the info you provide that no one else does!

  4. Email Hogan and get Ocean City closed. And as Hogan being head of the Gov. assoc. I told him to get Carney to close Del beaches down.
    And the golf courses all open in Baltimore.
    Send him emails!

  5. Still not getting the guns and I won't be going to a FEMA camp.

    Guns have nothing to do with a disease so if that order comes then it will be apprent this was an intentional release of a bioweapon, they have the cure, and are using it instead to disarm America for Agenda 21.

  6. From USA today, March 16:

    Earlier Monday, the White House pushed back on news reports that it is considering imposing curfews and a national quarantine in the wake of the spread of the epidemic.

    "This is not correct," tweeted Katie Miller, a spokeswoman for Vice President Mike Pence, who is heading the task force.

    Trump confirmed he's not ready at this point to impose a national quarantine.

  7. Thanks Joe! I hope this change comes closer to the next 24 hours. It really amazes me how stupid people really are! Seriously.

  8. Just heard Wicomico is up to 2. With the amounts of idiots running around this town like they are on vacation, that number is only going to get worse each day! Stay the hell hole people and stop acting like your GOD! No one is invincible. And if you don’t know GOD, it’s not too late! Jesus is my savior!

    1. "Amen" to that. Jesus is my Savior too.

  9. Thank you for the advance warning of this important information. People will believe what they want to. It's like saying, "It's snowing!" and they will still run or look outside to see if it is true.

  10. Any idea whether under this scenario, mail service would be interrupted? I’m Thinking about that because so many veterans and others receive their medications and medical supplies through the mail.

  11. Joe, I am a Democrat. Proud of it. I dislike Trump. Quite frankly I dislike your blog, but come here to get the dirt on local happenings and government, as you seem to have an inside scoop all the time. That said, I agree with you 100% on this post. It is so true, and this is unheard of. Though, as I said, I dislike Trump, I agree that he's doing well letting the states handle it. It's a horrible situation for him to be in, and you're right, he needs to be careful but ultimately do SOMETHING if needed. There is so much coordination needed for this thing...

    Anyway, EXCELLENT post. Are you sure you're not turning into one of us liberals? :)

    1. 10:44 Actually it looks as if you might be turning conservative. Thank you

    2. Why are you still a Democrat AKA Commie socialist Traitor.

    3. I stopped reading after the word democrat.

    4. You can't fix stupid

  12. I've been warning people that Hogan will possibly force us to stay home by Monday. He has become a Tyrannical Dictator!

  13. Also make people aware of HR 5717 that the House is trying to pass while we are distracted

  14. What you've said is 100% true,but it is great to see 50-75 kids playing on Bens Red Swings since the schools closed.

    1. All sneezing and snotting on each other...
      GREAT... πŸ™„

  15. 10:44- Your comments could not be any more moronic. You dislike this site, but yet you come here to read the truth every day! Only something that backwards can be spoken by a Democrat.


  17. I agree with just about all you say, BUT this C-virus is NOT new...check out Bill Gates and you will find the proof...Please check in with the Seniors to see IF they need anything before this goes down.

  18. I agree with everything you just said. Our family has been home except when having to work. We have prepared food best we can. We have warned everyone we know for months and my husband has been called a tin foil hat guy. This is exactly why I was concerned about Arby's. The inside sees crowds more then 10. They are not properly cleaning between costumers. They do not have sanitizer. I know you won't post this. And that is fine. I just want you to know from the inside what it is like for these employees. They are scared, but broke. Customers come up coughing on the kids. Some have been so rude,some are ok. Most are not essential staff, at least not in uniform. If we need to shut down, and I believe we do, then at least shut down the inside of Arby's and all fast food insides. Provide proper hand sanitizer for those kids and clean as much as you can between customers. Maybe if fast food does close, more people will realize groceries are important.

  19. Grocery stores are exempt from a lockdown. We can still get food 😊

    1. IF they have anything! How can we have no chicken in chicken country??

    2. Have the chickens stopped laying eggs?

  20. If I was Hogan, I'd be making sure beaches, parks, etc. are closed down. The next step is I'd close off all bridges the connect the Eastern Shore to other areas with the only exception of allowing only truck/tractor trailers carrying goods to our stores. People traveling just to travel need to just stay home. The sooner everyone starts doing their part and follow the rules the sooner we can all get past this and get back to our normal lives. A minor inconvenience now will save a lot of headaches going g forward for everyone. Panicking and hoarding is not welcome here.

  21. When they say all beaches closed they do not mean private beaches. Saw it for myself today at Holmes Beach FL. Tourists are still pouring in for vacations; people still golfing - grocery store packed - neighbors getting ready for block parties. Floridians are not taking this seriously. 😳 I see mandatory lockdown coming from Trump. I also think Trump is our hero. Biden would be buying test kits from other countries with 30 percent personal profit to him.

  22. Went to north end Walmart on Wednesday. They are funneling most people to self checkouts. I counted five employees just loitering about in that small area. If they are making us all use the same checkouts the LEAST THE CAN DO is to have those employees CLEANING THE CHECKOUT STATIONS, WHAT DO YOU SAY WALMART?

  23. What about all the Salisbury Restaurant/Bars that keep trying to loop hole the ban. Letting people drink on their patio’s and decks and act like that is ok? Idiots!!

  24. By the time this is all over it will be interesting to see how much food is wasted by the amount of people hoarding everything. It is sad to see how many are stockpiling and not leaving some for others. Only buy what you need for YOUR household. Don't be selfish. My husband saw one woman at the Food Lion on Nanticoke Rd who had her whole cart filled with breads and all he wanted was one pack each of hamburger and hot dog buns to go with the one pack each of these meats. Do you think she obliged to share one pack each? No! She got very nasty over his request to leave some for others. There is a special place for gluttons!

  25. Trump ain't going to do that but Rino Hogan may.

  26. We all also need to be armed and loaded ready for a complete breakdown of society. The have nots will be going after those who have prepared.

  27. A Shriff's Dept Mobil Command Center and utility trailer are parked on the Civic Center parking lot. SU is locked down and there are 3 troopers in vehicles under the solar panel garage.

    1. That’s for motorcycle training. They ve been there all week. Don’t you know that then motorcycles are important!?

    2. Motorcycles don't need to be trained 306, think before to speak

  28. If the President wants us to practice social distancing, why isn't he and VP Pence doing the same? Lead by example.

  29. So, what you’re saying is, everyone on dialysis is going it die! No one can get their life saving prescriptions filled?

    1. The pharmacies will be open!!!!!

    2. No, no one is saying that.

  30. This comment is to Jim Perdue and the CEOs of the other poultry companies on the Eastern Shore. It is troubling to see empty meat cases in stores on the lower shore. Most of the citizens support and are proud of the fact that our area helps feed the world with your product. A lot of us put up with the smell and the traffic of the poultry companies. There should be no chicken shipped off the shore until there are arrangements made to fully supply all lower shore stores. LOOK OUT FOR THE PEOPLE THAT HAVE LOOKED OUT FOR YOU.

  31. What the hell happen to mayor Day , no one has heard a word from him

  32. 2:47 Jake is in a permanent Ritalin coma.

    1. His truck hasn't left downtown you can probably figure out what he's been up to. Definitely not home with his wife and kids

  33. Better Get $$$ out of Banks
    Fill Up with Gas for cars
    Stock up on necessities WHILE you can

    It sounds like MARSHALL LAW as soon as Monday to me
    Then YOU are SCREWED !!! Stuck at Home !!!

    Bank of Willards has been Down on Internet several days
    I know some who are getting $$$ out now

    If they shut down Gas stations YOU are Screwed !!!!
    I have read ONLY food stores & Pharmacies are Allowed !!!

    1. It’s just that kind of panic the screws everything up

    2. Are you screwed too?

      Or just me?

    3. Nobody is screwed the supply chain is doing its job but when high strung panickers like you try to get everyone paranoid and start hoarding it takes longer for the chain to catch up and it’s the elderly that suffer

  34. I’d rather be laughed at for over reacting than to be sorry I didn’t do anything

  35. That chick over the bridge, that partied in OC and then tested positive said she got her test results back in 24 hours.

  36. So why do u think trump is waiting to evoke this if everyone has known about it for the last week?

  37. We can get through this people. Think outside the box. So you may not be eating what you like everyday. Order a 50lb back of brown rice now. Don't overdose on NEWS it will just stress you out and make you more susceptible. Find something constructive to do in your home. Clean out your closets organize your garage shine your shoes clean your guns re-spool your fishing poles go through all your photos whatever . Turn your fear and this malaise into something. This will be a test of all of our resolve we just have to keep our heads and follow simple protocols. We can do this.

  38. "President Trump is a genius. He's left it to each individual state Governor"

    Bwahaha again you show you are a liar or a buffoon. Clearly any presidemt would face massive legal hurdles and challenges jumping in to lock down the country. That would also cause a massive panic. The state govenor's have readily available legal authorities. You might be amazed by Trump's brain power but those of us worh common sense and critical thinking skills arent that impressed. Remember Trump is alos the same ome that said this was like the flu, wouldnt be a pandemic, and would go away with warm weather. Guess those kids can continue to party in Clearwater and Miami. Lol

  39. Libs hate Trump πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•Them states

  40. can all you dime store rambo's prattling on about "muh guns" please shut up for a while? We got it, you own a gun- your little fantasy world of being dirty harry ain't gonna come to anything when you get a heart attack from getting off the La-Z-Boy too fast. I own a gun, but I don't go on talking about it. Hope to never never use it, unlike some of the fantasy cowboys I keep hearing from here.


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