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Friday, March 20, 2020

Nolte: God Bless the Grocery Store Workers

Health care workers and truck drivers have already gotten their due here, and I would just like to add our grocery store workers to that list.

Whether it is your local IGA, your local Ralph’s, or your local mega-Walmart, while Americans prepare to self-quarantine, prepare to binge Netflix from a Charmin throne, the people who unload the trucks and stock those increasingly empty shelves are putting themselves in harm’s way, are going above and beyond in an already tough job that just got a whole lot tougher … and dangerous.

Heavy cartons. Cold refrigeration units. Endless numbers of boxes that need to be opened, unpacked, broken down, and tossed away. Endless shelves that must be restocked. Punishing hours of drudge work for low pay, and all while at risk of getting sick…

We would be lost without these marvelous people, many of whom are seniors, i.e., those most at risk of the Wuhan coronavirus, who were looking for a few extra hours to supplement their social security, or to just get out of the house.



  1. Yes, thank you grocery store workers

  2. They are the New Hero's as well as the Truckers that deliver to the stores!

  3. As well lets remember those who support the Food Industry. There are many people who are out here who need prayers. The supply chain to the grocery stores is immense. Take the poultry industry - It's not just supplying chicken at the grocery stores. The support system from farm to grocery store to table is huge. Farms bring the crops necessary to produce feed for the chicken. Hatchery workers hatch.Processing plant workers process. Mill and plant workers produce feed. Feed is delivered to the farms and it's a continuous cycle that each individual part requires the other, depends on the other and can't function without the other. The support for these operations to bring food to each household requires plant operators, plant maintenance workers, plant supervision as well as support for utilities such as water, wastewater and as already mentioned, delivery drivers. And lets not forget those who provide the necessary utilities (electric, water, wastewater, cable, etc...) to our homes who are continuing to work through this and trying to make life as comfortable for every household during these uncertain, chaotic times. Prayers and blessings to everyone - those who are quarantined, those who are out of work, those who are continuing to work and special prayers to the families whom have lost loved ones.
    God Bless you all and the USA!

  4. A very important part of our food chain. Thanks.

  5. I would say it's not by choice.

  6. They're on the front line and we are grateful


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