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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Gun Sales Surging as Citizens React to Possibility of Civil Unrest over Coronavirus

The Los Angeles Times reports that gun stores are one aspect of the economy seeing a surge in business as Californians react to coronavirus news.

According to the LA Times, the line of customers at the Martin B. Retting Gun Shop in Culver City stretched out the front door and around the block on Saturday. Many of those in line waited five hours for their opportunity to buy a gun.

A doctor who wanted to buy a gun at the store said, “I want to buy a handgun, I think they call it a Glock, but I’m not sure. I have a house and a family, and they’ll need protection if things get worse. The fear is that civil services will break down.”

Another customer, 39-year-old John Grove, said, “Politicians and anti-gun people have been telling us for the longest time that we don’t need guns. But right now, a lot of people are truly scared, and they can make that decision themselves.”



  1. wort thing ever is to wait till panic and fear set in to learn how to use a firearm safely....exercise your 2A rights NOW.

  2. We tried to warn you all over the years and all you wanted to do was push confiscation. The message has been loud and clear. When (not if) society fractures, you better be prepared! smh

  3. 12:42, what about people like you and I who kept telling these obtuse
    un-educated morons this was coming sooner or later, not just for the guns, but for food and prepping too!!!

    I BET WE ARE STILL CONSPIRACY THEORISTS RIGHT??? I BET WE ARE STILL ANTI-GOVT RIGHT???? I BET WE HATE EVERYONE FOR BEING PREPARED AND WANTING TO HELP OUT FELLOW CITIZEN RIGHT????? Yeah who's laughing now, while you people can't even get toilet paper and power towels??? but I guess peppers and people warning you all clowns are conspiracy theorist right???

    To all the obtuse morons, who rather demonized us versus listening to us, Tell me, what is a CONSPIRACY if it is REALITY???? WHO IS LAUGHING NOW?????

    1. If you can’t run to the end of your driveway and back you SHOULD NOT PREP.

    2. Dam man, I hope you hoarded up some Xanax. You need it.

  4. 1:57....you left out "racist".

    I don't see how, but the anti-gun sissies are now worried about their safety (LOL!!) will somehow, someway wrap "racist!!" around the names of people who were smart enough (!) to be ready for this.

    The National Guard and police don't have the manpower or weapons to enforce anything but terror.

    Keep cheering.

  5. 1:57 My FIL was a prepper and total whack job like yourself. He hoarded guns/money/everything else. Guess what? He died in a head-on car collision a month ago. He still died after all that prepping and worrying and he didn't get to take anything with him. If anything happens - all you preppers will be long gone and dead, just like the rest of us.

  6. Kind of scary that people who don't even know what a Glock is are able to go out and purchase one - and these are likely the same people who have been telling us for years that we don't need our guns. The hypocrisy is making my head hurt!

  7. 2:42 This has absolutely nothing to do with race. Why are you trying to stir the pot. It's people like you that won't let this racist problem simmer down and possibly disappear in the long term future.

  8. Just like a dope to bring a gun to a Virus fight .

    1. 4:02 - I see you don't understand either

  9. you can't eat guns or bullets

  10. But you can kept what you have

  11. Nat'L Guard will be deployed soon !!! Marshall Law too !!!

  12. 3:51...I'm sorry. I forgot to activate the "sarcasm" button on your screen.

  13. Northwest Woodsman: Good comment 3:18. I agree with you completely. That person has no business being around any sort of firearm. Even though when seconds count the police are only minutes away, let him depend on law enforcement to take a report when his and the bodies of his family are discovered. I’ll bet that he may have been an avid gun control supporter up to this point.

  14. you can't eat guns or bullets

    March 16, 2020 at 4:55 PM:

    No but I can keep you from taking my food, when everything breaks down into anarchy. Or I can use them to take yours.

  15. Toilet paper will need Protection !!! Guard it at all means !!!


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