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Sunday, March 22, 2020

WCSAO: Demetries Fountain Sentenced To Forty Five Years


  1. The Honorable S. James Sarbanes? He's just another Hunter Biden but he didn't get cought.

    1. I'm surprised none of the local liberal left didn't catch on to sarbanes' quid pro quo. Salisbury is SO corrupt

  2. He might want to lose the pigtails.

  3. 45 years of your life for what??

  4. So he is in there with his buddies getting 3 meals a day and working out. It is like a long summer camp to him. What a joke.

  5. Oh he got caught....

  6. Did I see in the daily times a few weeks ago where Judge Sarbanes home in Deer Harbour was being foreclosed upon?--Isn't his income in excess of $12,000 per month ? BTW--I agree with his tough sentencing on the local thugs..

  7. Northwest Woodsman: What is with the jacket and tie? I’m guessing that his public defender pulled some clothes out of their donated clothing closet and dressed him to make him more presentable for a court appearance.

  8. Due to all comments he has a family three wonderful boys that pays also so please cut the crap I am his wife/mother of his kids an these comments is sad. This could have been your loved one. The judge did misrule him as of course I would feel b/c people have killed and not been given this amount of time. The story DO NOT make sense.

    1. Exactly..Its sad. But this is the Justice system that want us to believe in? Smh

  9. And this is another family of his people are sick af don't judge a book by the cover he his not a bad person just made a bad choice do I agree with the time that was handed to him hell no that just goes to show you that the justice system is not designed for black people because...

  10. So all the ones that are commenting on this post with the ignorant comments can kick rocks. This sentence was outrageous & very unfair. They gave him a sentence as if he had killed someone. The girl who murdered my baby dad only got ten years. Now how is that fair? Sad to say but he was presumed guilty as soon as he stepped in the courtroom. Yes I agree that he should have consequences for his actions. But 45 years is a bit much. The judicial system that they want us to believe in doesn't exist. Putting a robe on & taking oath doesn't mean they are right & fair because 9 times out of 10 they rule unfairly to make people vote for them or money. The judicial system is corrupt & always will be unless people take a stand and make a change.

  11. Maybe he was sentenced for so long because of the other dozen or so cases over the years. Not to mention that he did almost the same things a few years ago and they let him go.

  12. @ March 19, 2020 at 1:19 PM . You need to learn to speak proper English. You do have an education, right? He is a thug and deserves everything he gets. Time to put a stop to these damn thugs preying on good honest people. We've had it with this garbage.

    1. Whoever you are your entitled to your opinion I'm not here to bash you tho I could but I'm not scooping to your low ass level and go back and forth with you. And no it was not the same kind of case years ago if you don't know facts please don't talk

    2. @March 23, 2020 @3:39, if you are referring to my comment yes I have an education. I'm very smart & intelligent. And I think I am qualified to comment on this situation being that I have a Bachelors im Criminal Justice Human Services. As I have stated before the the sentence was unfair & wrong. Yes he had priors but served time for some. You can not charge someone based om color, sex or origin. You can not charge someone who has already been sentence to a crime. But hey what do I know right. Smh

    3. an you are correct but of course the article will only tell you what they want you to know see I know what happened an this is not the case he should've been charged for

  13. @ March 19, 2020 at 1:19 PM . If he has three kids, then why the hell is he out there committing crimes and not at home with them? Explain that to us. Plus he is a repeat offender. That's why he gets the extra time. Now stop your crying. You all need to start learning how to be responsible people and raise your families with some respect and discipline. People are sick and tired of this crap.

  14. @ March 19, 2020 at 2:35 PM. Hey dummy. He is a repeat offender. That's why the punishment. I guess this idiot did not learn his lesson the first time. How stupid can this fool be? Should be home raising his kids, but that would not be acceptable in his neighborhood, huh?


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