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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Trump eyes two-week quarantine, only drug and grocery stores open

President Trump, moving with haste to slow the spread of the coronavirus, is preparing a plan to mobilize the National Guard to help enforce a two-week quarantine of the public if his tough-love efforts so far fail.

The unprecedented action would require everyone to “stay at home,” according to a source knowledgeable of the evolving plan.

The effort, which is still being mulled and wouldn’t be announced until early next week if needed, would urge that all businesses, except grocery stores and pharmacies, be closed.



  1. I have a question.... if everyone has to "stay home" why would the grocery stores and pharmacies remain open? If we are all forced to stay home then who will go to the grocery store to get the groceries?

    1. You are an idiot - people have to eat and get medicine.

    2. We will be allowed to go to the grocery store and pharmacy, that's it. Otherwise we stay home.

    3. Are you really that slow?

  2. Well at least he is letting the drug dealers operate would be a shame if they had to close up in all of our cities.

  3. Thats pretty much how it is now except for food delivery.

  4. And somebody has to man the gas stations and truck stops so trucks and other delivery personnel can get fuel to make deliveries. And somebody has to man the pipelines, refineries, tugs and fuel barges and fuel terminals. And somebody has to man restaurants so truckers can get food while on the road making deliveries to pharmacies and grocery stores. And somebody has to word at the poultry plants because when chickens are ready for slaughter they don't kill themselves. And somebody has to man the feed mills and feed trucks that provide feed to chickens or they will just starve and then there will be no need go to the grocery stores.

    So where do you draw the line?

  5. Door Dash🤣

  6. If this crisis is disrupting your life your not a true Conservative with BANK. The party pandered to too many looser's on their faith and opinions alone.

  7. @1:08 - You must have special needs. They modify grocery story activities. Limited numbers allowed in, must keep space in line inside at checkout and outside waiting to get in. Other states are doing just this.

  8. What about home Care nurses, RN CNAs who do home care for patients that get discharged from the hospital but still need home Care nursing visitsa home. they can't be stopped they are medical personnel some of them have anywheres from 2 to 10 patients a day that they travel to go to the patient's homes.

  9. There are certain people who will be federally exempt, truckers in the food industry, food industry personnel, medical field etc. Dont be so stupid people

  10. New York State has declared liquor store to be essential businesses, too. Wise move.

  11. A lot of different industries are considered essential, not just medical/1st responders. If grocery stores stay open, you’ll still have all the vendors working to keep them filled. The big thing is they need to limit people into the grocery stores.

  12. Grocery store were a zoo today. Day 6th of quarantine and people are still shopping. I don’t get how so many people are so stupid.

  13. Marajuana is a MUST !!! Gas stations too !!! Food too !!!

    Hemp too !!!!

  14. Got to have Toilet paper & Drugs , then gas !!!!


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