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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

After Receiving $25 Million Coronavirus Bailout, JFK Center Stops Paying Musicians

After receiving a controversial $25 million bailout (which would pay for a lot of respirators), the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts notified nearly 100 musicians with the National Symphony Orchestra that they won't receive paychecks after April 3rd, according to the orchestra's COVID-19 Advisory Committee obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

"The Covid-19 Advisory Committee was broadsided today during our conversation with [Kennedy Center President] Deborah Rutter," reads the email. "Ms. Rutter abruptly informed us today that the last paycheck for all musicians and librarians will be April 3 and that we will not be paid again until the Center reopens."

The email went out to members on Friday evening, shortly after President Trump signed the $2 trillion CARES Act, a stimulus package intended to provide relief to people left unemployed by the coronavirus pandemic. Congress included $25 million in taxpayer funding for the Kennedy Center, a provision that raised eyebrows from both Democrats and Republicans, but ultimately won support from President Trump. The bailout was designed to "cover operating expenses required to ensure the continuity of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and its affiliates, including for employee compensation and benefits, grants, contracts, payments for rent or utilities, fees for artists or performers," according to the law's text. The arts organization decided that the relief did not extend to members of the National Symphony Orchestra, its house orchestra. -Washington Free Beacon

"Everyone should proceed as if their last paycheck will be April 3," the email continues. "We understand this will come [as a] shock to all of you, as it did to us."

One veteran member of the orchestra (who we suspect forwarded the email to the Beacon) told the outlet that the decision has "blindsided" musicians.

"It's very disappointing [that] they're going to get that money and then drop us afterward," the musician said. "The Kennedy Center blindsided us."

The cente, which received $41 million from taxpayers in 2019, just completed a $250 million renovation - however it faced insurmountable deficits after shuttering its doors on March 12 due to COVID-19.



  1. In addition, Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice served on the Board...then POTUS removed them from the Board and appointed 10 of his choosing to the board; to include Mike Huckabee and Jon Voight...Loved this. Now Nancy can cry in her beer.

    1. I can't wait to read pelosi's obituary. Pelosi, make America great again

  2. To Pelosi's way of thinking, the Kennedy Center is as important as a hospital, medical supplies and ventilators.
    Let the Kennedy Center go broke just as many small businesses have and are doing.

    How can any person justify funding the Kennedy Center during a period of national emergency?

  3. THIS IS BULLSHIT it could have bought how many MASKS DEMOCRATS ?????

  4. All theater an music, by act of Congress decades ago are expected to be self-supported through ticket sales, merchandise and donations.

  5. Yep 1:57 just like education via lottery

  6. 1:57 Agree; however, we are talking about entertainment for the elite especially Congress. How quickly we forget how Obama received rave reviews everyone they attended the Kennedy center. I heard alot of that money vwas targeted for "Town Halls" "child care" "new computers" for Congress plus maybe a raise. It's only money folks - but to bad it is taxpayers money. You know, those that earn a living and pay for everything including the likes of Pelosi, Schummer and Congress.

  7. This was on Twitter this morning with a conference videoFull recording: https://youtu.be/SnrXEJm39RE --- Nancy Pelosi funneled $25 million away from the sick, unemployed, and vulnerable because she wanted to help a friend out, using taxpayer dollars. Pelosi should resign, and taxpayers should assemble outside the Kennedy Center to demand their money back. This is disgusting. Then the Kennedy Center makes a five million dollar donation to the DNC. Get it? It's the government gift/slush fund that transfers taxpayer money to the DNC and their favorites.

  8. typical democrat actions

  9. They must not receive this money. They should be mandated to return all this money back to the Federal government and this deducted from the 2T dollars tax payer expense.

  10. Pelosi’s daughter, who is on the board, will probably get a nice big BONUS check!!!

  11. Money went to the top few too bad for everyone else.

  12. Didn't Piglosi also include billions for Africa?


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