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Monday, March 16, 2020

CNN's Brian Stelter slams surgeon general for criticizing reporters covering coronavirus

CNN media pundit Brian Stelter rebuked Surgeon General Jerome Adams after he called for a de-escalation in political rhetoric surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and criticized the way the media have portrayed the outbreak.

"What Adams called 'bickering' and 'criticism' is what most of us call accountability," Stelter wrote in his weekend newsletter. "I hear him saying 'stop exposing the Trump administration’s failures.' There is value in all of the coverage. And government officials don’t get to decide that — readers and reporters and whistleblowers and editors do."

Adams condemned the media on Saturday for their negative coverage of the Trump administration's response to the outbreak.



  1. Nothing - no person or so-called "news organization" - has done more to divide this country than the anti-President media - specifically CNN.
    They really should be ashamed of themselves for doing that.

  2. The vile deception of the lies of the luciferians continues. This BS virus is another step to eliminate the TRUMP REVOLUTION!!@ THEY WILL NOT WIN!!

  3. A bad case of the dumbass has spread to half the country.


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