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Monday, March 16, 2020

'Incompetence kills': Schiff rails against Trump for floating Flynn pardon during coronavirus pandemic

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff criticized President Trump for his "attacks" on the justice system after the commander in chief announced he is "strongly considering" a pardon for former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Schiff, a California Democrat who was the lead impeachment manager in the Ukraine saga, demanded the president stay focused on responding to the coronavirus pandemic, which has led to dozens of deaths in the U.S.

"Mr. President, keep your focus on the current crisis. The delay in testing and your failure to lead are already costing us dearly. Your attacks on the independence of the justice system and rewarding of cronies who lied for you can wait. Incompetence kills," Schiff said in a tweet Sunday afternoon.



  1. Mr. SCHITT, keep out of it, no one needs your two cents worth.

  2. You have to admit, its pretty shady to be talking about a man who admitted guilt durimg a national emergency

    1. You must admit it’s pretty shady to impeach a president while he is closing down the border of China to prevent mass outbreak. Keep cheering moron.

  3. The Corona virus is mainly spread by TDS...

    1. You know that's a damn lie ray. It's not even funny anymore. Start acting like you are as smart as you think you are.

    2. Ray I agree 1000%😁

  4. Adam; news flash...POTUS is multitasking.

  5. President Trump can do more than one thing at a time. Not like Schiffty Schiff and the Democrats who have tunnel vision and it shows in their work habits.

  6. Its just like a democrat to not have a solution to help with a problem, but to voice an opinion about what is wrong with the solutions of a republican. Instead of you taking the time to tweet your opinion, take your own advise and stop worrying about anything other than getting us back to work, stores back open, schools back in session, etc.

  7. Sphincter say what?

  8. We know that 'Incompetence does not kill. If it did, Schiff would have left us a long time ago.


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