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Monday, March 16, 2020

Maryland session to adjourn Wednesday amid State of Emergency

ANNAPOLIS, Md. —Under the self-imposed deadline, lawmakers have until Wednesday to complete work on everything from the budget to education reform.

An early, but temporary finish line, the 2020 session officially ends April 6, but the coronavirus changed that timetable. Lawmakers will adjourn March 18 and resume the last week in May.

“We will be essentially condensing the last month of session into three days with a third of the staff. This is going to require us to focus on the most important and prioritized policies,” Senate President Bill Ferguson said.

Topping the list of priorities is passing the state's $47.9 billion budget. The spending plan is the only action that lawmakers are constitutionally required to complete during the legislative session.



  1. This is the most corrupt general assembly in the history of Maryland Politics. This is what you get when you elect Democrats, they think they are above the law! Sadly people that vote for Democrats are too stupid to realize they made a mistake. This includes Dumba$$ RINO's like Larry Hogan, Carl Anderton Mary Beth Carozza, Mike Lewis, Jamie Dykes, Mark Edney, Mark McIver, Marc Kilmer, Muir Boda, Linda Luffman, John Palmer, Wendy Arnspacher, Nate Sansom, Beth Reid, etc. who supported and endorsed the Socialist Democrat Jake Day. And some were even stupid enough to vote for him. These so-called Republicans are dangerous and they are bringing our country down. They also supported Hogan's Red Flag Laws where 2 Marylanders have already been assassinated by Maryland police officers.

  2. They should stop where they are right now and don't pass anything that can't have the public deliver input. This is why the American Revolution was fought, "Taxation Without Representation". Stop it right now and call a special session when this virus goes away. This is democrats again taking advantage of a situation. Where's "The Eastern Shore Delegation" on this issue? They need to halt what's going on now! Where's Mary Beth, Anderton, Addie Eckart, Charles Otto and the rest? Bring in your legal staff and do something at least!

  3. Dear RINO 1:59PM, just because you didn't get voted in stop stomping your little feet like a little kid. You're going to be okay.

  4. at least now they won't screw up anything.


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