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Sunday, March 01, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: The Salisbury Maryland Zoo Is Fired From The AZA And Loses Their Accreditation

If any of you were wondering why the Salisbury Zoo Director suddenly left the Zoo, now you know. After MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars were spent to construct new buildings and upgrade the Zoo, the Director and Zookeepers failed to maintain AZA requirements and were terminated from the program. This Is HUGE people. t proves that when you elect a group of kids as your Mayor and his staff, they fail to understand what it takes to manage department heads and instead let them roam free on their own without checks and balances. 

It's not just the Zoo, it's the Police Department too. You have to wonder, will the SPD keep their accreditation as well? I mean, the evidence room has been compromised since 1997!

I'm going to provide some links here so you can see that not only has the Zoo been terminated, they've already been removed from the AZA Website and your elected officials and local media once again covered it up.  How many cover ups can there be in a two week period?

How To Understand Zoo Accreditation


  1. Who cares? we have rainbow sidewalks now. We have transgender bathrooms and gay pride parades. That'll make up for everything.

  2. Shameful, the Salisbury Zoo was a pride attraction for the city.
    I remember coming to it from elementary school a long long time
    ago from a Delaware school. Leadership is required for the City
    and its departments. Time for a change at the top, those of you
    that can vote in the City - this is pitiful.

  3. My take on this is they now consider the Salisbury zoo on the level of a "roadside attraction"! Way to go Jake and cronies er colleagues! Not only is Salisbury in running for top spot on top ten list for crime and poor home ownership but you have now brought our once famous small zoo in America down to the same level as a "roadside attraction". This means less monies in grants and donations. So taxes will go up to maintain our failing zoo! That just goes to show what a Democrat run city can bring down in less than 5.years of control! Thanks again you idiots, from the mayor on down, you are accomplishing the ideal socialist community where everything is broken! Now you are going to want more tax dollars so you buy lipstick for the pig and rainbow paints!!

  4. 9:27 isn't it great we can include all people in society? If you are offended by the colors of a sidewalk, signs on a bathroom door or a parade that you don't go to...I'd say that puts you in snowflake territory :)

    1. 9:27 Snowflake = young libtarded progressive democrats.
      I could care less about who you sleep with..
      just stop shoving your luciferian lies and ideals in everyones face and stiffling any Biblical or conservative truths.

  5. Do you still have weirdos parked outside the zoo spying for you?

  6. I'd like to know how they failed? In truth, it is still a very nice zoo, and the facilities seem nice, too. The animals appear healthy and taken care of.

    What concerns me is how I've seen these things go down in other corrupt places: one domino falls, and then the rest topple over. Between the zoo, the police, the folk festival money, etc., the thread is unraveling, and I fear more and more things might come to light (actually, it's a good thing if things come to light, but tragic for the City to spin into a free fall).

    I agree, there have been years of corruption in this city, so we may start hearing more about problems, as others might be more willing to spill the beans. Just wait to hear about ill-gotten city contracts, too.

    1. Read the link and what the AZA says they look for. Then you can piece it from there. As Joe says below, just plain poor treatment and care of the animals...period!!

  7. 9:48, The animals are not being cared for by professionals. Go to the top left portion of our home page and type in Salisbury Zoo in the search bar. Go back and read ALL of the stories I've published over the years and view all of the dead animals I've shown because of poor animal husbandry, (zookeepers). While things may "appear" to be healthy, they are not. Take a stroll through the Zoo, would YOU keep your own home/property in such crappy condition? They have so many employees there that do not keep the Zoo in shape. It's like the bathrooms in my bar, always spotless. You can tell when you walk into a business and the bathrooms aren't taken care of, imagine what the food is like. Look at the Zoo and you can tell how the animals aren't cared for. The people who cared for that Zoo are no longer there. Those who spoke out are no longer there. Just kids playing zookeepers. Remember, while there was news about the Director leaving in your local media, NO ONE covered WHY. Your local media flat out sucks and only publishes press releases. The rest is covered up because they don't want to lose the revenue they get from municipalities paying for ads and commercials. They are Fake News.

  8. Spd building was built in 96-97. So since it was first open, it has been compromised?

  9. It should be bulldozed and returned to nature. It is built in a flood plain.

    1. I love the history of this regionMarch 1, 2020 at 7:28 PM

      The entire area was Humphreys lake...

      it's not a flood plain

      ...its returning to its natural state when it rains

  10. This just in on Facebook, Chris Wisner I just confirmed with zoo staff this also means if you are a zoo member you no longer receive discounted admission to AZA zoos. You do still receive a discount to some other zoos, but the list is shorter and no longer includes the Baltimore Zoo. They also said they hope to be accredited again by 2022.

  11. Should have taken all the money they wasted on the ridiculous bike lanes and "walking paths" along rt 13 or the national joke festival and put it toward hiring qualified staff at the zoo. Clown mayor and his circus of kiddie clowns.

    1. Ummm, these paths are necessary for people that don't have cars (or want to drive them) to commute to work and school. Not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to drive a car. I'm glad the city has focused on sidewalks and bike Lanes, it makes commuting through the town much much safer for these people.

  12. I worked at AZA, and should let you know that the term "fired" is incorrect. Being accredited by AZA is not the same as being employed by AZA. That is a very important distinction. If the City of Salisbury is willing, it has the option of fixing the problems, submitting a new application, being re-inspected, and that new application would be brought before AZA's accreditation commission. That process takes a minimum of 2 years, but would be well worth it for the City of Salisbury, the animals, the facility and staff, and the citizens of Salisbury. Sometimes losing accreditation is actually a good thing, as it forces necessary changes for the better.

  13. Salsbury is a Zoo , full of animals including SPD , doesn't surprise me with this news .

  14. Lets see how WBOC spins this!
    They were all over the story about the Bear that gave birth a few months ago.
    It was as total love fest with the zoo.
    Makes me wonder if they have a board of directors with this zoo?
    I would be willing to bet, they will be silent concerning this.
    WMDT too!

  15. Ah no doubt we have joined the rankings of other crappy little towns throughout America. No wonder the inmates of ECI call Salisbury "Little Baltimore"

  16. It's time to demand Jake Days resignation.

  17. Good points, 10:26 AM.

  18. 10:26, Fired, released, removed, call it what you want, (with all due respect). Let's get real as well, perhaps the AZA's demands were far too demanding or expensive and the Mayor refused to participate. Either way the TRUTH should've been told. The bottom line is, the relationship between all parties is over. The City is not going to send the next 2 years trying to get back into their good graces and the City failed to do what is minimally necessary to keep the Zoo in proper condition. At this point there are no more checks and balances. The zoo director has been removed and the staff clearly aren't doing the minimal job expected. Therefore the ANIMALS are at risk. Face the facts, the Mayor and Zoo screwed up.

  19. They don't have a dedicated or on retainer vet any longer that was a big kick in the teeth

    1. They specifically had to have an exotic animal vet on site, which unfortunately there is no way the zoo could pay that salary.

  20. Accreditation hearings are held during the AZA conferences. Salisbury's hearing was in early September. Each facility knows their status the day of the hearing. Read into this what you will.

  21. once again, this city is an embarrassment- can you imagine coming next September for the folk festival from out of town? What must they think of this dirty, ugly, torn up town with a rotting zoo, bad crime, third rate university, nothing to do and no industry?

  22. February 26, 2020 at 9:28 AM - Pride of Salisbury?
    I guess the bury has really low standards?

    The zoo is pathetic and a death trap to all the animals living there.

    Drowning prairie dogs?
    Escaped owls?
    Wallaby's living in a cage behind the admin building for years?

    Not one thing prideful of that place.
    Like someone else said.
    It should be a park, not a zoo.

  23. Jake Day is incompetent. His attention span is that of a two month old kitten. He in unable to focus or concentrate on any topic for more than a few seconds.
    Most people have had a deer caught in the headlights moment. Jake Day’s constantly in caught in the headlights.

  24. CLOSE THE ZOO!! MAKE IT INTO A NICE PARK. AGREE WITH 12:55 AND 1:04. Thanks for the info, Joe.

  25. Another thing we will loose due to Jake Day & the City Council’s poor management and he just got his 2nd term. We have had this Zoo over 70 years but he have all the $ and grants for those stupid city festivals. Tell this to the children & families in Salisbury it was one of the few things we used to be proud of. Jake has the money for festivals,muriels, bars, ampitheatre, 3 story student housing down town, and all his other foolishness! Your a disgrace Jake can’t even keep his wife out of selling drugs to students, I pray all of those who voted for him can see the light soon before we become a ghost town. Let’s see you explain this to the children including your own.!!!!!!!

  26. It's sad for the animals that are the real losers here.
    If they could only talk. All that construction in the zoo and all the disruption caused by Day completely screwing up the traffic patterns, etc.
    While leaving the animals to live in a mess.
    I grew up near the zoo. Spent my years walking and enjoying the animals and people . I've seen the zoo for over 60 years.
    It's really sad. A free zoo, not supported. People from out of state I met there couldn't believe how great it was to have a free zoo.
    I don't go near there now. Crime, traffic, Filth. Last few visits, I saw needles, condoms, etc. around the outside of the zoo. It's very sad.

  27. People forget, while Jake has been in office he has increased the debt 23%. He already blows money all over the place downtown, where very few people live, so why does anyone think he has "extra" money laying around for a zoo? The animals might have gotten lucky if they are sent to another zoo.

  28. It's sad to hear but not shocking. The mayor has wasted a lot of money fixing Salisbury into something it's not. There are a lot of questions he needs to answer!

  29. Hey 1:16... They are not required to have an exotic animal vet ON SITE, or any type of vet for that matter... They have to have an RVT on full time staff who can work with vet that is on retainer/on call and this is how the zoo has always operated, through all accreditation periods. Don't believe me? Ask Joe's wife, she used to be that RVT until she could not improve the conditions for the animals there due to politics and terrible management...

  30. Everybody is alway trying to condemn a person instead of trying to help. Dont forget we stay here also. If you don't like what is happening go talk to the mayor at town meeting. If that don't work, go vote.

  31. I feel sorry for the wolves they look so sad and lonly. Direy monkeys and birds and ect. My heart goes out to them.

  32. The zoo has been going downhill for awhile. Poor management, lazy workers, and lack of attention to detail.

  33. Salisbury has a lot of problems and the Zoo is certainly one of them, but we do not have a third rate University. Our University is awesome

  34. That's poorbury in a nutshell

  35. City officials are more interested in Real Estate development in inner city downtown rather than the needs of the resident community.Always the same, rich get richer and the rest go without. Look at the infrastructure deterioration as an udicatir

  36. Salisbury has been corrupt and crooked long since Paul steal it all Martin and his cronies missing drug money ,vehicles confiscated and sold to his buddies just to mention a few .Yikes dont forget Sheriff Dykes and his crooked cops probably faked his own death to beat being charged

  37. I find it disgraceful that majority of the comments are concerned with passing the buck, and blaming everyone from top to bottom of the administration. The real concern should be the animals in this zoo. How are they being cared for and by whom? That should take priority over everything from gay bashing, rainbow sidewalks, AZA and who dropped the ball. Get your minds wrapped around the caged animals that are neglected and suffering.

  38. The zookeepers are doing the bare minimum to take care of the animals and the zoo. Seems like they are just collecting a paycheck anymore.

  39. Call the governor and the democrat controlled legislature they will fix it.


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