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Sunday, March 01, 2020

State Police Investigating Hate Graffiti In Wicomico Co. (2-27-2020)

(SALISBURY, MD) – Maryland State Police are investigating the origin of racist comments found last night etched in a restroom of a commercial establishment in Wicomico County.

Shortly before 9:30 p.m. yesterday, Maryland State Police from the Salisbury Barracks responded to a bar/restaurant in the 1400-block of South Salisbury Blvd., after the business owner called to report racist comments found in the women’s restroom. Troopers responded and initiated an investigation.

The preliminary investigation indicates multiple racial epithets were scratched into bathroom stall doors/walls. The epithets were placed so they would immediately be seen upon entering the restroom.

The Maryland State Police investigation is continuing. Anyone with information about the person or persons responsible for this is urged to contact Maryland State Police at the Salisbury Barracks at 410-749-3101. Callers may remain anonymous.


  1. Oh, horrors! We should close down South Salisbury Boulevard or someone might get offended!

  2. It's a one minute walk from the university campus. Might these be by the same misguided child as last week's graffiti at the U?

  3. Who calls the police for such childlike nonsense no doubt done by the same person that did SU . State police need to demand video evidence from SU

  4. Calling the cops to investigate rude scribbling on bathroom walls. Seriously get a grip people.

    It’s at Hoppers by SU. Same group of people I am sure.

    Must not have gotten enough attention and victim points by shaking down SU. Wonder what they think they’ll get out of this, discounted or free drinks, no whites allowed nights, maybe shut it down and make every employee endure anti-white re-education.

    Yet another act of black supremacy.


  5. It must have been Putin. Russia Russia russia

  6. Suggestion to owner, buy a can of paint, paint over it, stop being a pussy.

    1. πŸ€›πŸ€›

    2. πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

    3. Common sense! But you know how that goes!

  7. Well, no consequences seem to be have given to the last individual, for the damage done at the University. So now it is a given that doing this type of property destruction, will lead to no consequences. So it will just continue until it is addressed and punishment given.

  8. The MSP has more important things to do.

  9. This is what we have been reduced to? Some idiot scratches some idiotic stuff in a bathroom stall and the police are called? Are you serious??! This is what my tax money is paying for? Well! I have been offended many times my seeing a penis and testicles scratched into the walls at gas station bathrooms. I should call the police for sexual harassment!

  10. Has Salisbury University taken another day off to find a safe space ?

  11. Lol. So ridiculous

  12. Life is so tough
    Get over it and move on people
    It's not that hard

  13. Every white person in this community and especially all white students at SU should gather outside the WCSA office and demand the black SU racist be charged!!! This has horrified our community and is just plain wrong !!!!!!

  14. This is what the Marxist University is teaching


  15. Does anyone know the name of this establishment?

  16. Shut down the city!! Barry O. has severely damaged our great country.

  17. Same blacks from SU perpetrating another Hoax on white America?

  18. In order for insurance to repair the damages you have to have a police report. When you call 911 then send who ever gets the next call. If any of you clowns had enough sense to have a business I'd like to think you wouldnt want your customers to see offending vulgarity scratched into the walls. Some people are just idiots. Unfortunately msp wouldnt break a nail to solve a murder case much less vandalism.

    1. All you need is pictures

    2. The owner is going to file an insurance claim over some graffiti and watch their premiums go up instead of buying a $10 can of paint? If it's in the city limits SPD should have responded. This wouldn't be a 911 emergency. It would be the general SPD line.

    3. Paint isn't going to cover etched in grafitti on metal.

    4. Just sand it down that's an extra $2 in materials. Common sense smh.

  19. Every job in the city should offer a paid day of healing

  20. Worse than waisting time on Radar !!! Waist of an officer !!!

    1. Those waists are getting huge!

    2. Lol! Just like my pants’ waste!

  21. 457pm....your ignorance is showing.

  22. 4:09 PM Jenny, was it you??

  23. Must be another business going under that needs some free advertising.
    This BS is getting OLD. By letting one get away with it law officials have now set themselves up to let a trail of copycat idiots keep damaging property and keep the pot stirred.

  24. Again.........done by blacks as a hate crime against whites. It will be covered up just like the SU happening.

  25. Jake, stop defacing property to take the attention off Spd.

  26. White students need a place where they can be around just them

  27. Sorry to be a language troll, but "waste" is the spelling for an ineffective use of resources. "waist" is the line between belly button and hips.

  28. sounds like Jessie Smolett (?) has a lot of kin at SU

  29. 4:16 It's obvious you've never owned a business either. No business person alive is going to submit an insurance claim and risk having their rates increase over minor damage caused by graffiti.

  30. Is it still "hate graffiti" if the one who pens it is black?

  31. they should be held accountable. As long as they can get away with it, they will continue to do it.

  32. SU police swept it under the rug

  33. Salisbury needs a safe space for white peopled that want to have a place where they’re not being attacked

  34. They will pursue this investigation in HOPES the perpetrator is white (please, please be white!). Then we can finally see the outrage, charges, and everything we privileged whites are due. We are evil after all.

  35. I just read of a similar case in Philly where a black guy spray-painted graffiti on civil rights statutes. They have a video of this clown.


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