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Sunday, March 01, 2020

A Viewer Writes......Liberal Propaganda

Check out this liberal propaganda sent to me by a socialist who's attempting to convince me that socialism isn't like communism and that we already have it.

Just amazing the lengths these buffoons will go to in order to promote their failed agenda.

I've enlightened him that under no circumstances will I be supporting the likes of such concepts no matter how he chooses to label them. It's unAmerican!!

And also, the having of social programs DOESN'T constitute having a socialized form of government!!!

I am completely burned out on dealing with these imbeciles and advised him, my days of fostering intellectual conversations about politics and political differences are OVER!!!!! The radical left is beyond reason and I'm beyond patience in tolerating it.

Those feelings were re affirmed recently when I attempted to discuss legislation with politicians in Annapolis. It was a complete waste of my time because they clearly have ulterior motives without any regard for the citizens.


  1. This is why we need a CIVIL WAR.

  2. Look at china, enough said!!!

  3. It can be frustrating but if you do debate with your socialist friend it can also be entertaining. Ask how to get your V A benefit if you didn't serve in the military. Are people on well water and septic refunded installation costs. But you are right(correct) the left is beyond reason.

  4. And soon to be added to the list, we share YOUR college debt.

  5. This is written by a fool. All of the agencies and services mentioned are already supported by taxes of which by the way is already approaching over 50%. That is not socialism at all. Socialism is the seizing and division of personal property to others including housing. If your house is deemed to big, it's seized by the state and 5 families move in. You are on the street. If your business is profitable, it is seized by the government. Government employees take over, all of the money goes to the state. You work there earning money for the state. Eventually, their people get tired of the fat cats of the government keeping everyone down and there is a revolution. It becomes a dictatorship.

    1. so·cial·ism
      Learn to pronounce
      a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

  6. These are heavily socialist policies, just like medicare and social security. 10:39 China is communist not democratic socialist country. If you can't tell the difference between the two I doubt you're constructive in any discourse.

  7. They all scare me because extreme corruption has been found in each of these. Giving the government all my money and then allowing them to do whatever they please is not my idea of a bright idea.

  8. You're done because you lost or are unable to have a truthful reponse without having to agree.

  9. If a person is socialist but choose to live in a capitalist country then I call bs.

  10. That's absolutely right. Having social programs doesn't mean that your government is socialist.

    Much like almost all of the first world countries, single payer healthcare that would improve quality of care and be dramatically less expensive for all Americans, would be better for all of us and not make us socialists.

    I mean.. it wasn't until Nixon took office that health care could be "for profit". No one was flipping out about health care then, but it was much more affordable then as well.

    Someone advocating for social programs is not advocating for socialism.

  11. Research public good versus commodity.

    On a side note if healthcare is a right and it's to be paid by taxpayers then I want my ar15 paid for by taxpayers as well. I have a right to bear arms and since the commodity is part of that right I am entitled to it.

  12. This must be a page from the indoctrination pamphlet used in our colleges and universities to convince young minds the evils of Capitalism and individuality.

  13. I get it their face. When I see someone with bernie bumper sticker, I just say very loud. "Are you absolutely insane?"

  14. Actually half of these programs are run so poorly it's scary.

  15. Saying that the United States has ZERO socialist programs is a flat out lie.

    When they are gone you will want to have them back.
    Trump cuts into ALL of them .

    Watch the shiny object


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