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Sunday, March 01, 2020

Judge Approves Nation’s First Supervised Safe Injection Site in Philadelphia

A federal judge ruled Tuesday that the nation’s first supervised safe injection site can open in South Philadelphia, and operators of the site say it will be ready to open as soon as next week.

Organizers with Safehouse, a nonprofit organization formed to open the injection site, is expected to announce more details about its plan on Wednesday, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported.

The opening of the site will end a two-year battle between the nonprofit and the government.

Safehouse had argued that the site would provide a safe space for people who are addicted to drugs to use them under medical supervision, have enough resources to revive them should they overdose, and provide resources for treatment.



  1. So I can get a free shot for drugs but have to pay for a FLU shot?

  2. Let me guess it's not enough we have to pay for the illegals and all the corrupt government allowing the drugs into the country now we have to pay to provide a safe place for addicts to shoot up?? Only in the f'd up liberal Democrat city of Philadelphia. Let me Guess Maryland and California are next

  3. It doesn't say anything about a free shot?
    I suppose if someone overdoses, they will receive something along the lines of Narcan, BUT it still doesn't say it's free but you could assume it won't cost the drug user because, as the article says, it is a non-profit. Okay, assume it will be tax free.

  4. This is just absolutely nuts!

  5. Will they have a safe weed smoking site too?

  6. This is wrong! When someone dies, law suits will be filed against Philadelphia and the tax payer will pick up the tab again. Just nuts!

  7. So sick , brotherly love my a$$ , Bro lov maybe

  8. It won't last. Its the latest feel good thing there. Once it cost money, and things get out of hand from riff raff they'll can it.

  9. 804 or they may find they are able to steer more people off the streets and into treatment thus reducing the cost to law enforcement and medical treatment. Guess we'll see

  10. Nonprofit, huh?

    Who wants to bet there isn’t gubmint grants (= taxpayer money) involved?

  11. Maybe, just maybe, for once, before you go spouting off your uninformed comments, you would actually do your homework and assess what the research says about the impact of these sites. Oh, thats a little too much to ask for huh? LOL

    1. What f'ing research is there? Oh let me guess you'll go to some bureaucratic BS study to justify government grants to create more worthless and ineffective careers off of someone's addiction

  12. 7:36 dead on
    Sanctuary cities for those who break our laws
    Drug use assistance for those who break our laws
    Bank bailouts for those who break our laws
    It's like the only thing you can get charged for anymore is being associated with our President.

  13. 9 law firms on retainer. Suing the government under its their religion to save life.The nonprofit is backed by the biggest progressive billionaire non profits in the world. Pretty much everything you here Cortez say is coming from these groups. It comes back to Soros. It’s all about Disruption.

  14. It's cancelled.. LOL

  15. I'd be willing to bet his/her honor doesn't live anywhere near south Philly.


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