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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Wicomico County Sheriff's Office is attempted to locate missing individual

Wicomico County Sheriff's Office is attempted to locate this missing individual. Iram Sarfraz was last seem leaving home, 35000 block of Rayne Rd, Willards at approx 3am this morning. Iram was last seen wearing green pants, black sweatshirt, a back head wrap and gray/orange sneakers. Iram took no personal belongings with her, she left her cell phone and purse at home. Anyone with information is asked to contact us, 410-548-4891. Thank you!


  1. Happening here too !! #Bride

  2. Male or female? Looks like a very disturbed person.

  3. Shouldn't be hard to locate if dressed like this. How many people around here dress like this? They want to be here, act and dress like it.

  4. You people are pathetic, especially you @ 5:15 & 5:24!! I'm SURE by the ignorance of your post you're probably a chromosome or two shy and have spawned some "lovely ladies". Someone is missing have some class for once in your lives. You know you don't have to comment if you're that challenged to come up with something of substance

  5. She may be trying to escape Islam. Anybody who finds her please bring her to a Christian shelter. They will help her with love.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. 5:49........too many

  8. It was cold and damp at 3am

    sounds like she had a ride waiting

    any street or house surveillance videos available

  9. agree with 6:35...and to think ignorance breeds ignorance...

  10. Agree w 741. Please advise her stated purpose fir leaving at 3am.

    And please don't ask for my help to solve something you can not despite having more information than you are sharing with those from whom you seek help.
    With flawed reasoning one usually struggles for success.

  11. Prayers for her being found safe and alive.

  12. Woof! Woof!

    Maybe k9 can pick up the scent.

  13. Was this person on a “watch list” ? Just saying it is very suspicious leaving without identification/cell phone . Was she radicalized?

  14. She is a runner and may have been running early like a lot of people do. I don't understand the running thing, especially early, but people do. She is someone's daughter. Please stop with the hate. Would you dish out the hate if her hijab wasn't pictured?

  15. Would you dish out the hate if her hijab wasn't pictured?

    Without the hijab, the talk would all be how "she" looks like a man. You must know her, or are just making the running thing up. If a runner has a cell phone and runs, then they take the phone with them. I think you are making excuses so you can be judgemental of other people's opinions. As for the hijab, I think she should wear a veil.

  16. Exactly, 7:41 & 10:22,

    is there any more info?

    Did someone actually see her leave? was it on foot?
    Did she leave in her own vehicle or a uber/taxi?
    Is this a typical time she would leave for work. etc???
    Someone has got to know more than this.

    I hope she is found safe!

  17. She had been found safe. I hope there is follow up, to reach out to her, in case she is trying to escape religious persecution from her family.

  18. This is so sad.... I hope she returns to her family. Iram I hope you’re safe and come home. :-(

  19. Follow the camel poop

  20. Northwest Woodsman: Another non-assimulatable Muslim headed for Syria to engage in sleeper cell refresher training? It is possible!

  21. It's very possible that she has seen how Americans live and have freedoms she isn't permitted under the rules of her family and religion. Perhaps she wants to live like other free Americans without the restrictions of her parents and the stone age religion of her parents.

  22. Looks like the Pelosi Replacement !!! House Speaker !!!

  23. Maybe she left because she was about to be married off to some sixty year old pervert. The act of prearranged marriage in this culture of young women to old goat freakers is astonishing. Run young lady run. God and America has your back. Live free or die trying.

  24. If anything all the cold comments here suggest she was the victim of a crime.


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