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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Comey urges Barr to put DOJ reputation above 'angry, vindictive president'

Former FBI Director James Comey called on Attorney General William Barr to place the reputation of the Justice Department above the wishes of President Trump.

"I have heard Barr say he doesn’t care about his legacy. Maybe not, but he should care about the reservoir," Comey wrote in an opinion piece published by the Washington Post on Tuesday. "The people of [the Justice Department] depend upon it. He should care enough about them — and the rest of us — to protect this vital American asset. The reputation of the Justice Department is more important than any of us, even an angry, vindictive president."

Barr has come under intense criticism since he intervened in the case of longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone, reversing course on a heavy sentencing recommendation.



  1. Coming from the man that has pretty much destroyed it, this is rich

  2. Comey giving advice on what others should do. What a damn joke.

  3. I d believe comeu if he made that statement in cuffs

  4. Comey, Brennan, Obama, etc are are extremely vocal critics.
    It’s propaganda. They want to get out in front of the coming blitzcreig of charges!
    They sow the seeds of blame first to diminish the effectiveness of prosecuting real crimes they committed.

  5. Why would anyone take advice from that anti-justice traitor, he should be embarrassed to even think like that

  6. Make that angry and justice seeking. More Swamp to drain.

  7. It is amazing this guy is still walking around and is brazen enough to make such remarks. He is definitely the epitome of a two tiered justice system no doubt!

    It is fast becoming apparent more every day that Barr does not have the intestinal fortitude to deal with all the "swamp creatures" and their abuse of the system and outright criminal behavior. A very sorry situation for our justice system and our Country overall.

    In the end all that is left is Trump's continued battle against the "swamp" with very little help if any. In the end the "swamp" will probably take him down, for it keeps replenishing itself with all the entrenched bureaucrats left over from eight years of Obama; the head swamp creature.

    1. Its deeper then that 4:19. The evil agenda of the hidden dangers of the rainbow is a global cabal of luciferians and they are imbedded everywhere.

      Freemasonry, The Shriners and Their Islamic Assyrian Origin

      The Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, abbreviated A.A.O.N.M.S., commonly known as "the Shriners" is a islamic organization founded in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in 644 A.D. by the family of Muhammad. It is an organization of Freemasonry. Freemasonry originates from ancient Assyria. Members of the Shriners are called "Mohammedans". A "Shrine" is a tomb of a muslim that is worshipped by other muslims. Perhaps because he was a martyr for the islamic cause. The Alawi sect of Bashar Assad does not believe in mosques. Therefore they lift up the shrines as being the most holy buildings of islam. A Shriner is therefore a person who honors the holy buildings of Assad's Alawi sect of islam. The organization is best-known for the Shriners Hospitals for Children they administer & the red fezzes that members wear. There are at least 350,000 members from 191 islamic temples (charters) in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Republic of Panama & Europe. To join the Shiners or any other organization of Freemasonry, you must swear alliance to Allah (the islamic moon god) & you must do so on the Koran which says that Christians & Jews must be killed. The Shiners symbols on their cars/trucks include the islamic sword in the shape of a crescent moon with a star which are very clearly islamic symbols. Another symbol on their vehicles is the "Eastern Star" which is the symbol of the satanic goat god called by different names such as "Pan, Yah, Baphomet, Allah, Mendez". You can very clearly see that it's the same symbol of a 2 horned star worn by admitted satanists. 
      The Shriners & other Freemasons believe in ALL religions as a path to Allah. So although they may at first embrace anyone of any religion, they will always ultimately point that person to Allah & to islam. They place a great deal of importance on secret knowledge which they refuse to share with the little people of the world. They believe that only "the better", more intelligent people have a right to the truth. There are a LOT of Baptist preachers who are Freemasons & Shriners. Many members do not reveal that they are secretly Freemasons. They swear allegiance to help all other Freemasons over and above non-members even if it's not the right thing to do. For example, a judge in a courtroom is required to give the favor in the verdict to the fellow Freemason even if that Freemason has committed a crime. The only exception is in a murder trial, but I believe that many Freemasons would give that special favor even in that case.
      Shriners are taught that Lucifer is the true God and is not evil. They are therefore Luciferians, a class of satanist. Their symbols are the same as the Church of Satan. The first 94 Pages of the Freemason bible are quotes from Albert Pike. All Masons are encouraged to read the writings of Albert Pike. He was a Luciferian & said "Lucifer is the True god of Good and Light"


  8. James Comey's actions in and out of office make J Edgar Hoover look like a paragon of virtue. He is a slime.

  9. Comey has no business talking to anyone about their reputation. His reputation is mud. A lying, leaking scoundrel that tried to effect a coup against the duly elected president. Comey should be in jail.

  10. Comey is a dirty cop and should be locked up for treason...

  11. Just go away comey

  12. Yes, put Comey & his Homey Hillary in prison !!!!

  13. I think Barr has the backbone to proceed. I think the comments on tweets is just another trap and they likely just exposed another leaker. Trump and team are the best at setting traps lol. I do think the enormity and depth of all the corruption is taking its toll on Barr, and im sure others. Like seeing all the proof of his long term friend mueller is as criminal as the rest, not to mention what boils down to theft of 40mil for a fraudulent investigation. Deep corruption built in over decades, 3 letter agencies and all...gotta way heavy on the shoulders. When the right pieces are in place theres going to be trials for a very long time.

  14. Barr praises Rod when he stepped down like he was the best thing since sliced bread. This was red flag for me. Barr is swampy and Durham isn’t doing anything. Barr is of the old guard. Not a single arrest so far kinda like do nothing Lindsey Graham. It’s all bs... McCabe got 800k from donations, pension, book deal and massive paying job on CNN. He is now a multimillionaire.

  15. Dirty Cop.

    Isn't that like a dark black color?
    Or, wet water
    Or light air
    Or upset angry person

    You get the point

  16. Good Grief Charlie BrownFebruary 19, 2020 at 7:38 PM

    It's my understanding that Comey and Hillary are running in 2020

  17. Too Many have been "Above the Law" & it needs to Stop !!!

  18. But Comey, why would the president be "angry and vindictive?" What in the world would make him feel that way? What are you really saying? Is Trump just righting wrongs?

  19. Barr is part of the banana republic we have become

  20. Comey & his Hillary HOMEY getting worried now !!! Good

  21. Indicting Comey ,Lynch and Hillary would be a great start to bring back credibility at the DOJ.


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