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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Boy Scouts Of America Files For Bankruptcy

The Boy Scouts of America has filed for bankruptcy, a sign of the century-old organization's financial instability as it faces some 300 lawsuits from men who say they were sexually abused as scouts.

The Boy Scouts have been exploring the possibility of bankruptcy since at least December 2018, when they hired a law firm for a possible Chapter 11 filing.

Amid high-profile sexual abuse scandals in organizations from the Catholic Church to USA Gymnastics, some states have changed their laws to allow more time for victims of sexual abuse to sue their perpetrators. That has brought a wave of new lawsuits from victims whose cases were prevented previously by statutes of limitations.



  1. Scouting gave me some of the best experiences of my life. I was able to do things I never would have been able to do on my own. I went snorkeling in the most beautiful reefs in the keys, I spent a week aboard a Navy ship at sea, I have seen spectacular views from countless mountaintops, the list goes on and on. I reached the rank of Eagle, the greatest accomplishment of my young life. I went on to spend a summer and a half working as a camp councilor where I taught just shy of 500 kids how to sail. It's sad that this is just one more opportunity that I had that my children will not.

    1. Me too 739....Scouts was a blast till the progressive movement became involved with their Gay pushing Scout mastes

      the organization went to hell

  2. well take a great organization with morals - put non-moral people in it, this is what you get. Lay down with dogs, you get fleas.

    The Gay agenda will destroy America. Then the Muslims will take over and destroy the Gays, they are using them as a tool. Wake up...

  3. have no fear the democratic party will bail them out. homosexuality and abortion is what they dream about

  4. Sad to see this - I remember every boy in the neighborhood was in scouts, and that was for two reasons. First, our fathers were either active duty or military vets and two, we were expected by our fathers to serve our communities. Unfortunately, with very few fathers actively involved with their boys, and the general collapse of any semblance of moral structure, organizations like this succumb.

  5. They strayed from their original standard...God (they were all closely affiliated with local churches), conservative values, and country!

    Homosexuality will be their downfall!

    1. It was the courts that forced that on them. Damned if you do damned if you don't.

    2. At 9:12 a.m., no it was not the courts the scouts decided to let scouting members be members and to be openly gay. When that happened they open the door for letting those gay Scouts become Scout leaders. That's when the courts got them

  6. EVERYTHING the liberal touches,dies.

    Churches,Boy Scouts,cities,societies....

    Coming up next, say goodbye to the United Methodist Church.

  7. Camping. Go kart building. Shooting. Morals. Team work. Respect. Love of life. That was the boy scouts 50 yrs ago. What happened????

  8. Ever since they had to take girls, it has gone downhill. What a damn shame.

  9. 10:02

    grown "respectable" "family-loving" men diddling little boys is what happened.

  10. That's what happens when they Let Girls join !!!

    1. At 10:55 a.m. no, it started when they let Scouts be openly gay

  11. Should have Sold some BOY-Scout Cookies !!!!

  12. Also weak leaders. Don’t forget the sissy daddies that couldn’t cut the umbilical cord. I’ve witnessed them on campouts as they washed little Johnnie’s dishes and let the kiddies go play. Should’ve dropped your kid off and let the real men raise them and teach them. If you didn’t take the time to do the training, you’re not qualified to do the training.
    I blame the McClellands and the MacFarlanes of the world for this. You reap what you see, boys.

    86 BSA

  13. Also weak leaders. Don’t forget the sissy daddies that couldn’t cut the umbilical cord. I’ve witnessed them on campouts as they washed little Johnnie’s dishes and let the kiddies go play. Should’ve dropped your kid off and let the real men raise them and teach them. If you didn’t take the time to do the training, you’re not qualified to do the training.
    I blame the McClellands and the MacFarlanes of the world for this. You reap what you see, boys.

    86 BSA

  14. "I'm having tons of sex. I haven't had this much sex since I was a boy scout leader." -Leslie Nielson

  15. The "Boy" Scouts always had some perverts(gays) in leadership positions, I.E. scoutmasters. Not all, but some. Gay pedophiles are always attracted to where the boys are. No surprise there. But when the boy scout organization succumbed to their gay leaders demands and insisted that they be allowed to be openly gay scoutmasters, and for the scouts to allow openly gay boys into the organization, the very nature and mission of the Boy Scouts were changed. I would never recommend any parent of a gender secure male son to enroll their child in scouting. Same goes for the abortion teaching Girl Scouts that allows "transgender" girls (boys) to join in and sleep in the tents with your daughters. Scouting has become all about sexual perversion, and no longer has the noble missions it once had. Scouting never was intended to be about sex or sexual orientation. It's been perverted by the gays (or whatever they want to be called). Scouting has become a place for a child to learn how to be gay.

  16. Do you all realize that BSA just recently accepted openly gay leaders & scouts? The lawsuits that have been brought are from scouts that were abused during the late 60s 70s & 80s. You should be thanking BSA for keeping their secret files or your dad or favorite neighbor would have been exposed.

  17. Ya'll need to stop.

    This is a pedophilia thing.. not a gay thing. Ya'll rail on about dogs and fleas.... but I don't hear a single one of you talking about this happening in Churches, now are you?

    And not just Catholic Churches, the Evangelical and Protestants as well have the same amount of predators in them as well. How many of you are condemning Churches and Religious people the same way?

    Ya'll have an agenda, and it's hate on the Gays... any way you can... and the problem is that since you have an agenda you go in with blinders on. Look at the big picture folks.

    Most of these law suits come from BEFORE the Boy Scouts changed their position on allowing Gays to be open in the scouts. Being Gay or Straight is not an indicator of being a pedophile or a predator, no more than being a Church leader does.

    Come on ya'll... use the noggin the good lord gave you!

  18. Northwest Woodsman: I’m always suspicious of any grown man who enjoys spending an inordinate amount of time with other people’s children.

  19. They have become a mirror of the Catholic Church. I had a great time as a scout. There were perverts then among the troops. Parents who look for the easy out and do not stay involved help to promote this atmosphere. When you see men both married and unmarried without children hanging around a flag should go up. These molested children are never who they were meant to be after these crimes. I in a million years will never understand any one turning a blind eye to this perversion. Sadly a great program has fallen prey to anti-christian values and the liberal left rhetoric that is spewed daily. Any type of child oriented activities need to be strongly vetted by parents. Never allow anyone to show your child more attention than you do. Recipe for disaster.


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