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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Trump fires back after Obama claims credit for economic boom: 'Con job'

President Trump fired back Monday after former President Barack Obama, in a subtle swipe at the commander in chief, claimed credit for the economic gains in both their terms.

Obama tweeted Monday morning to note the anniversary of his signing the 2009 economic stimulus package.

“Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst recession in generations, I signed the Recovery Act, paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history,” Obama tweeted, alongside a photo of his signature on the bill.



  1. Take a look at Obama job growth numbers, increases in stocks, GDP growth, etc. You will see clearly the story is one where we had a recession that was in full effect prior to a single vote being cast for Obama. We recovered and began buidling back strongly during his term. That boom has continued under Trump. If you look at the indicators and market trends, Trump's policies haven't created that much of a bounce meaning we are seeing primarily the continuation of growth trends we saw under Obama. This is the story that you get when you actually look at the data instead of shilling for one party or the other.

    1. At 12:12 p.m., you are delusional. Even Obama said ""those jobs weren't so shovel-ready after all"" remember that. Or are you Schilling for the Democrats?

    2. Obama spent more on trying to improve the economy than all Presidents combined with no gain... he could’ve bought a house for every American at least there would’ve been something to show for it. Obama had 1/3 of the population out of the workforce 2/3 on welfare and any jobs created were part time jobs

    3. Dude, your insults mean nothing. Get your hwads out the sand and take a look at the numbers yourself. I know you have all built up this fantasy land but man, come back to facts amd reality every once in a while.

  2. instead of BO, his initials should be BS. what a jerk

  3. The only thing that grew was Obama's bank account. His Economy plan cost my family their home. 😡

  4. Gauging by my own wallet he certainly did NOT.
    This is a man who spent the first 6 years of his presidency blaming the prior for his "inherited" economy. Now he wants to take credit. What a laugh.

  5. Barack's own words, "those shovel ready jobs weren't so shovel ready after all".

  6. 130 we were employed by a major telecom that was still in growth phase. Between 2008-2010, my house didn't feel any impacts from recession. In fact we were poised to purchase more property on the cheap and make major gains in our stock portfolio. I'm pretty sure you (and anyone else) would have called us crazy for claiming that time period was a great time. My point; we have the real data and facts to judge whats going on. It's a bigger picture than just your wallet.

  7. Hey 2:12 China has some really good deals on vacation packages. Your precious Obummer was the WORST president in american history, not because he was black, because he was a dumbass.

    1. And a traitor to Americans, hellbent on destroying our country 239

  8. Obama wasn't responsible for any growth and accomplished nothing even Obama Care was a failure, the only growth he had was defending black young thugs before there was even an investigation just they died and he made everyone of them martyrs. Very few watched the coverage of the actual findings I did and saw over and over these young thugs in death became famous, and their backgrounds were erased. And I agree he and his wife became millionaires after his 8 years where did all that $ come from? And the fees he and his wife collects for speaking engagements and books ridiculous. He also was heralded as being the first black president his father was not black just Muslim and his grandmother which he adored and spoke of he said was white.

  9. All these comments against Obama, not a single one addresses the real economic data. I wonder why? LOL

    1. Not many Americans understand economics
      They don’t even understand how currency is created

      Nor do they understand the difference between currency and money (gold)

  10. This is where you can't have it both ways thinking Government should be smaller and believing you are economically better off from one administration to another. You are only one in control of your wealth or lack there of and change your life accordingly to offset or embrace economic tides. You move for a job or down size or move up and cash out and look else where for opportunity. People that stay stuck in one place because it's all they know or depend on family will always think the Government controls their economic fate.

  11. Voters elected dems to reclaim majority in the House during the GW Bush years. Bush admin compromised too much and led to bigger deficits. Plus added the cost of two wars. His tax cuts helped turn things around within a few months of Obama's reign. Not because of anything Obama did. He was out playing golf. Higher tax collections come from more jobs. Obama killed the manufacturing jobs that helped make this country strong economically. Not increasing the size of government to give people meaningless jobs and rob the taxpayers.

  12. I know that yo do not like inconvenient facts but:
    1. The unemployment rate in January 2009 was 9.6 %. In January 2017 it was 4.7%. Today it is 3.6% You determine under what administration was the best improvement.

    The GDP averaged over 2 % during the entire Obama Administration . Trump promised 3 % 4% enven6% . We are averaging low 2% under Trump

    During the Obama administration the deficit was declining. Under Trump the deficit is soaring

  13. If you think the US was better off under B/O you are nuts!

    1. Or maybe one has the abolity to research and undersrand the data

  14. Now lieing ass Obama resurfaces for the 2020 elections !!!!


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