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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Public credits Trump more than Obama for booming economy

In the new fight between President Trump and former President Barack Obama over who did most for the economy, Gallup has an answer: Trump.

A solid majority said that Trump “deserves" the credit for the "improvement in the state of the economy in the past few years.”

The survey found that 61% give Trump credit. Some 51% said Obama deserves credit.



  1. Obama deserves 0.0000000000000%

    1. barack hussein obama the closet muslim had but one goal while president, "Destroy the United States of America"

  2. As well Trump ought to get credit for our great economy. Obama did nothing but make it worse than it had been and racially divided our country like never before. Trump has done an enormous amount to correct that situation too. God bless Trump!

  3. Still means 51% are dumba$$es. Sort of scary!

  4. That is because the general public is stupid. The russians know this as well which is why they have been so successful dividing us with propaganda

    1. That was the Democrats and a Brit. American media did the rest. Russia spent 2500 dollars in Facebook that’s it. America spent 50 million to find this out.

  5. Maybe because Obama had nothing to do with it and even said it was impossible

  6. Please

    The Fed ruined the economy a long time ago (1971) when they trashed Bretton Woods

    It is all currency debasement now

    1. Are we the only people on this thread who know the truth?

      Thank you

  7. When obama took over their was no way to go but up. ANY half way decent President would have made close to double digit gains during those first two years. He was so worthless, he couldn’t even hit 3% annually.

  8. Obama is a Communist shill that thinks America and Capitalism are unfair.
    He focused his energy on installing like minded morons to the bench and bureaucratic positions to undermine our country.
    His life is dedicated to undermining the Constitution and rule of law.
    HE is the greatest enemy America faces today.

  9. So, when Obama was saying that the weak economy was the new normal, and stating that "whats Trump going to do, use a magic wand?"

    These dumbocrats cannot legitimately defend their failed ideology and policies.

    Everywhere dumbocrats are in charge is a shithole!

  10. MAGA. That said, I must be reading liberal math....61% + 51% = 112%. Does anybody check figures?

  11. Obama did nothing for this Country in all of his years in office and now he claims credit for today's economy. What is he smoking?

  12. “Obama didn’t build dat! “

  13. Obama RUINED the country, that's the ONLY credit he gets !!!!

  14. I know that you do not like inconvenient facts but:
    1. The unemployment rate in January 2009 was 9.6 %. In January 2017 it was 4.7%. Today it is 3.6% You determine under what administration was the best improvement.

    The GDP averaged over 2 % during the entire Obama Administration . Trump promised 3 % 4% enven6% . We are averaging low 2% under Trump

    During the Obama administration the deficit was declining. Under Trump the deficit is soaring

    1. These clowns will simply ignore these facts and attack with their played out lame insults.

  15. Throw OUT the rest of Obama's Careless Care !! 2020


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