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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Concerns Raised Over Wicomico’s Proposed Marijuana Law Changes

SALISBURY – Questions and concerns continue to surround proposed legislation on public marijuana consumption.

On Tuesday, Wicomico County NAACP President Mary Ashanti came before the Wicomico County Council opposing legislation that would prohibit smoking marijuana in public areas and in vehicles.

“Passing this ordinance will create more problems between law enforcement agencies and people of color,” she said. “I’ve talked to different segments of the community and they all feel the same way. We urge you to not pass this proposed ordinance.”

In January, Wicomico County State’s Attorney Jamie Dykes, Deputy State’s Attorney Bill McDermott and Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis presented the council with proposed legislation that mirrored a recently adopted ordinance in Fruitland.



  1. Ashanti is a moron. If someone can't smoke a cigarette around others in certain public areas, why would it be ok to smoke weed around others in certain public areas?

  2. It is all about money and control, nothing more!!!!

  3. The camel is bringing down the tent...

  4. Mary πŸ–• Myself and my kids DON'T need to be smelling weed in PUBLIC you CLOWN Want to smoke weed do it in your crib.

  5. 4/1 blacks arrested more than whites ? That's because blacks are caught more smoking on the streets than whites that's because the other 3 whites are at HOME SMOKING IT.

  6. I got a good idea who is ruining this for everyone.

  7. I think if years ago they hadnt made pot an issue, then it wouldnt be an issue today. Im not for it, I think it really make the youth complacent and hampers their chance at a good life. Worse than drugs and dealers is the system, those that make laws to simply make more criminals. More crime means bigger budgets, big government, bigger taxes. There is tons of crime, big crime, by big players, just look at the education dept and how they fraudulent get and waste big money. But leo dosent really want to upset the apple cart do they. Its much safer and the norm to target a bunch of nobody citizens to rack up those increments. Afraid to risk their jobs going after corrupt government but willing to risk life and limb over a bag of dope...I dont get it.
    Is it because departments are corrupt all the way to the top? Expose it.

  8. Mary is admitting that people of color are not prone to following the rules so we all have to bend to their will? Or did I misunderstand?

    1. At 12:28 p.m., No you're absolutely correct just like what Michelle Obama said:

      ""There were no gang fights, there were no territorial battles. Yet one by one, they (whites) packed their bags and they ran from us, And they left communities in shambles.”"

      -- Michelle Obama --

  9. They're trying to compensate for the fact that the simple smell of marijuana cannot be used as probable cause to search a vehicle or person. I believe this new law would change that and enable the cops to harass and arrest citizens.

  10. Mary how about we allow junkies to shoot up drugs in front of your house ? πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰ Maybe we can look like San Fran Gaysooo 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

    1. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

  11. Blacks 13% of the population half are in prison for crimes but complain they are arrested for crimes more than whites ? NO it's because you got caught .. can't do the time don't do the CRIME.

  12. If you throw racism in you’re sure to get the other snake oil

  13. Good ole' Statutory Law

    No common sense
    Only dictates what we can and cannot do
    Doesn't matter if someone is harmed or not, simply illegal.
    Absolutely no common sense (Common Law)

    1. At 5:03 p.m., you say this until you get slighted and then you'll decry that the cops aren't doing what they should be doing.

  14. Mary Ashanti would want crack, cocaine, heroin , pot, meth, and any and all other drugs to be legal in public. All her supporters are users, so it figures.

  15. you are correct 749

    a number of them from the Peace Alliance of the lower Shore are known drug users

    with and without prescription

  16. Lewis is just pissed md has medical and they can not shake everyone down anymore!

  17. ALL 50 states & Govts need to GET ON THE SAME PAGE !!!!

  18. County council gets 1st priority for the first legal crop !!!


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