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Friday, February 07, 2020

Treasury Dept Hands Over Highly Sensitive Financial Records About Hunter Biden to Expanding GOP Senate Probe

The Treasury Department has complied with GOP Senators and handed over highly sensitive financial records on Hunter Biden and his associates.

GOP Senators Grassley (IA) and Johnson (WI) this week requested the official travel documents of Hunter Biden from the US Secret Service.

The Senators are expanding their investigation and just received “evidence of questionable origin” from the Treasury Department.

The Senate committee is also seeking documents on Hunter Biden from the State Department, Justice Department and the National Archives.



  1. I hope that those are just copies, as Dems have a history of stuffing archive records into their socks on the way out the door.

  2. Living in Delaware, I'm still pissed about Joe Biden's influence on reforming DE based credit card companies regarding protecting consumers. It never happened because Joe got Hunter jobs on credit card company Boards and those reforms never happened.

    However, an argument could be made that Barista hired someone with a lot of Board experience (in Delaware).

  3. Creepy old Joe should have just stayed retired from his VP job. He was already too senile to know that his family corruption while VP would be exposed by a presidential campaign. Now Trump has put the spotlight on him and his family's past dealings and one of the Biden's might end up in jail. They are certainly going to spend some major time in court at the very least. Way to go Joe.

  4. Keep it going Treasury Dept and everyone that can seal their fate, Joe & Hunter behind bars or the other side of the border, any border but here.

  5. Daddy
    Son ALL GUILTY !!!!


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