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Friday, February 07, 2020

Trump endorses bill allowing victims of illegal immigrant crimes to sue sanctuary cities

President Trump centered the immigration portion of his State of the Union speech on "sanctuary cities," calling for Congress to pass a Senate bill that would allow victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants to sue the local or state government if it is a sanctuary.

"The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans — not criminal aliens," Trump said in his speech at the U.S. Capitol Tuesday evening. He called for the Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act, by Republican Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina, to be passed "immediately."

The president highlighted the story of Jody Jones, whose brother Rocky Jones was killed in December 2018 by a man who had been deported twice but illegally reentered the country.



  1. Excellent bill. Whoever resists turning over illegals to ICE should be responsible for the next crimes committed by said ILLEGAL. These "sanctuary places" put all of us in danger.

  2. What happens when you harbor a criminal?
    By protecting criminals you are aiding and abetting. The victims should be able to sue them and they should be criminally prosecuted for not turning them over to the proper authorities. Lock them up !

  3. Let them sue Obama and Biden they're the ones that promised everyone a home in this country and let it start with the Obama and Biden homes.

  4. That's What they get > KARMA !!

  5. Employers of illegals should be arrested also. Giving them a job is harboring and aiding and abetting a criminal. People who lose jobs to illegals should be able to sue the employers of illegals. Sending Trump an email about that.


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