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Friday, February 07, 2020

Ex-Romney spokesman: Impeachment vote 'motivated by bitterness and jealousy'

The former press secretary for Sen. Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign claimed envy motivated the Utah Republican to vote to convict President Trump on abuse of power.

“I believe Mitt Romney is motivated by bitterness and jealously that [Trump] accomplished what he has failed to do multiple times,” Rick Gorka, who is now a communications director for the Republican National Committee, tweeted Wednesday.
“He has betrayed his Party and millions of voters,” he added.

These are the same people that hated Mitt in 2012 and they will hate him again when they are done with him. It is sad to see that Mitt has not learned the lessons from 2012. Now he has betrayed his Party and millions of voters.— Rick Gorka (@Rick_Gorka) February 5, 2020


  1. Romney is aimless, confused by his self-imposed, self-modified excuse for Christian values. His is a renouncement of true Christian faith.

  2. If this is in fact true I am even more disappointed. This is a religious man who would allow envy (of all things) cloud his judgement.

  3. Makes me wonder about the Mormon religion.....

  4. Really - just like every Democrat. Uses whatever it takes to get what they want. Do you really believe he is religious 😂

  5. 4:25

    Just as much as I believe Pelosi is religious.

  6. military personnel cannot publicly vocalize their political views

  7. Romney is just part of the swamp folks. And the people of Utah got duped, for six years, no less.

  8. Romney pull the plug on that swamp rat.


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