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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Stand With Us Now.......No Tax Hikes


  1. Small businesses should prepare to get hit.

  2. This liberal fruit loop Kirwan speaks in the same frame as Bernie Sanders. It all boils down to funneling down billions of dollars for kids who have no parents except tax time when so called head of household reaps in tons and spends it on make up and nails.Kirwan wants raises for teachers who which are babysitters who do not correct kids but kiss there ass and let them do what they want.These schools have a assistant for a assistant for a assistant. The waste I see in the maintenance depart for Wicomico B.O.E. is down right unsatisfactory at the least.Time to completely overhaul the whole school system it continues to be the county,s biggest drain of tax monies with nothing to show but drug addict teachers and kids that are out of control.

  3. Told ya get out of MD now

  4. Yeah, stand up against the 2.8 Billion, then settle for just half that. Nice idiot game, Larry! We've ben played before!


  5. Maryland is the next New Jersey, California, NY. People moving out of State due to high taxes. No one will be left behind to take up the gap for these taxes. Very scary MD!

  6. so maryland will be joining Illinois, ny, cali with an outflow of citizens tired of handing their hard earned dollars over to a bunch of crooks!

  7. Stand your ground like our forefathers did!! Long overdue for a big tea party....starve the beast!!

  8. Larry you could have brought and end to these corrupt thugs a long time ago, but instead you spat in Trumps hand and laughed in his face instead of shaking his hand. Theyre hanging this robbery on your legacy.


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