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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Maryland Bill Would Ban Nontherapeutic Cat Declawing

State lawmakers heard a bill in committee Wednesday afternoon to ban declawing cats in Maryland.

"It's not just simply a manicure or something noninvasive that happens to cats. Declawing is actually an amputation of the last bone of the cat's toes on their paws," said Emily Hovermale, Maryland and Delaware director of the Humane Society of the United States.

House Bill 445, sponsored by Del. Lorig Charkoudian, a Montgomery County Democrat, prohibits declawing cats except for therapeutic reasons.

"There can be long-term physical complications that can come from declawing, such as lameness in the paw, arthritis and chronic pain," Hovermale said. "There are also some behavioral issues that can come from that, such as biting and issues using the litter box."



  1. this is what our legislators are concerned about? guess it's true you can't fix stupid!

  2. Dittos 7:59
    Democrats are nuts!

  3. This would surely effect the adoption of cats
    No one wants their furniture clawed up.

  4. I had it done to a young cat that was destroying my house. It was shredding furniture, carpets, and the drapes. It refused to use the claw posts that I bought for it. It climbed the drapes. So I had it done. It was that, or throw it out, like so many people do with unwanted cats. The cat never had any issues with the lack of claws (front only), and lived many years into cat old age, as an inside AND outside cat. Banning the practice will resign many cats to the animal pound, that would otherwise make good pets.

  5. Democrats dont use common sense, their only priority is catering to whom ever gives them the most money and backdoor deals, in this case HSUS...unconstitutional gun laws...bloomburg.

  6. This is the most important legislative need in Maryland???? Meanwhile, the Governor is fighting to get crime legislation considered.

  7. Good thing there is a veterinarian in Delmar, DE.

  8. Illegal to cut offs cat’s claws but NOT illegal to have a kid’s healthy sex organs cut off if he or she is confused?


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