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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Hunter Biden scandals explained: Ukraine, China, drug history and more

From his eyebrow-raising dealings in Delaware, China and Ukraine to controversies involving drug use and child support, Hunter Biden is no stranger to scandal. The son of former vice president and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has faced accusations of corrupt behavior from both sides of the political aisle, and played a starring role in the recently concluded impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

The younger Biden's distinct scandals are best understood in rough chronological order because Republicans have argued that Biden's apparently irresponsible behavior only made it more likely that his later sweetheart gigs were obtained not through merit, but because of connections that he could monetize.


In 2008, both The New York Times and The American Spectator highlighted Hunter Biden's sweetheart gigs while his father rose in political prominence. The articles, written as Barack Obama and John McCain vied for the White House, found that Hunter Biden received consulting fees from the financial services company MBNA from 2001 to 2005 — while his father, then a senator, was pushing successfully for legislation that would make it harder for consumers to file for bankruptcy protection.



  1. The DuPont family has been roiled in these salacious stories for decades. The inbreeding truly results in lower IQ members.

    Hunter is a crypto-DuPont like his father. This is why they have positions of power. Unfortunately Hunter appears to be quite diminished in the IQ Department.

  2. Don't let up. He needs some justice. The way he's being allowed to dance around the law isn't the way the courts would allow any of us common folk.

  3. And then you have Stone????


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