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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sheriff Mike Lewis earlier today explaining his position against legislation to make Maryland a sanctuary state.


  1. First of all, we are not "his people" and it is NOT "his county!"

    Can I get an Amen!

  2. We need to be a second amendment sanctuary county

  3. I wonder if Matt Crisafulli from Worcester County and Ronnie Howard from Somerset County was in Annapolis supporting Mikey?

  4. MIKE ✔️✔️✔️

  5. Sheriff Lewis let's make wicomico a 2nd Amendment state like the others LETS GET IT DONE.

  6. Mike make our county a 2nd amendment county stop talking about it and get it Done 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

    1. He needs to stop talking about it and BE about it.

  7. We need a civil war Dems won't stop until we have world open boarders and speaking Islam.

  8. Thank you Sheriff Mike, we have your back

  9. F*** Mike Lewis! He's such a two faced liar!! You can't do an interview like this and support all of Jake Day's BS locally. If you support Jake Day you support sanctuary cities and states. Look at your city people Jake Day has already developed housing for the influx of illegals

  10. 10:45 NO! This is his County and if you live in Wicomico County you are part of his people.......get over it! It’s like Dumbocrats and others saying President Trump is not my President.....if your butt lives in the United States of America he’s your damn President!!! Respect the positions or VOTE them out at election time.......if you can!


  12. 12:07 must have spent time in the pokey on Naylor Mill Road!!! Mature up, act like an adult even if mentally you are not!

  13. He seems really into that uniform leather drag.

  14. I am proud to back you and the department always make the best decisions. If it was left up to the mayor don't know how this would have gone. You always go with what the majority of the people want. Those that have gone this route for sanctuary cities have made it even easier for crime and that we don't need. Thank you.

  15. Sanctuary cities and state are highly illegal with no fed's permission with breach of 1324 US code laws and get overturn by fed court's system with super max and with it you need congress and senate to pass by fed level system and signed by president.

  16. !0:45 you are one sick a$$ , He is my sheriff and I.m one of his people . if you don't like Mike then move to California , they will love you .

  17. Stop bending over for the 🌈

  18. ALL you people on here praising Mike Lewis don't have a clue about the REAL man. He IS an egocentric womanizer that doesn't give a shot about the citizens of wicomico county. Mike Lewis supports ALL of the progressive liberal BS that Jake Day is implementing in your once beautiful city. The more growth and crime that comes with it means bigger budget and salaries for his department. This IS something out of his mouth and the mouths of his closet operations command " we're in the business of growth". Why in the hell would your local sheriff and his top officers adopt such a saying? There is a lot of crooked s*** that is going on in Salisbury/ wicomico county and ALL the top officials have a dog in the fight. Lewis covering for Liz Day should tell you ALL you need to know but you are too dumb to comprehend

    1. He's covering for Day bc back when Lewis was in high school he was slinging dope himself. Common knowledge at WIHI. Prob doesn't think Days wife has done anything wrong. Birds of a feather....

  19. I thought he was a Trump supporter. Didn't he go to the White House - proud to be invited. What happened? I liked him some what because I thought he was being critized too much - well I don't like him any more. What a stupid decision on his part. Also, I hate it when people in power refer to voters as "my people". We don't belong to you - we are voters not your personal property. Bit like a guy who marries for love and then declares you as his property. This cop is sick.

  20. Lets here Bald Buckys stance on the bill. I can tolerate Lewis a tick more than Bucky.

    All Talk! He cannot change Big Dem from across "The Ditch"

    1. Richardson is just Mike Lewis' secretary

  21. I love Mike and I am one of his people and I live in his county!! So there!!!

  22. We need to leave Annaplolis Md just like West Virginia.

  23. Matt crisifullofit what a disapointment

  24. He Will do as he is Told & lay down !!! He does not get to
    decide Govt policy & is merely a Sheriff & that's it !!!!

    He just likes the spotlight every chance he gets !!!
    2 term limits for ALL are needed in ALL Govt !!!!

  25. Replies
    1. Todd Richardson: he's a Capt in wicomico county sheriff's office. I believe he may be third in command, that's after he milked another department for disability and now he's Mike Lewis' glorified secretary. And yes he has a terrible terrible beaver overbite going on

  26. Mike Lewis does all these cocky, I'm fully behind no sanctuary and second amendment grandstanding videos once every couple of months to give you people something! REMEMBER THIS PLEASE, Mike Lewis is nothing but a politician, an elected official of wicomico county and you people but into his ranting and raving. Mike is NOTHING like the man you see in these videos. He's sold this city out just like Jake Day has

  27. I spent about 6 months in the county jail for some marijuana and I'lll bring my ass out to vote for this man in every election. Thank goodness we have someone that while in a position of authority still recognizes the Constitution and HIS people. His people are not white people, nor black people, but true Wicomico county residents. Not carpetbaggers and illegals.

  28. Mike Lewis is a lying politician plain and simple. @3:07 let Mike Lewis find out you have a weapon in your home now that you are forbidden to own a weapon and see how quick he comes and kicks in your door. Mike Lewis is never around wicomico county enough to give two shots!! I bet you one thing once he finishes milking you dumbasses for another pension he won't be residing in wicomico county. You people are so easy and gullible. Your being extorted by ALL your local leaders and you're too dumb to understand

  29. Lewis is just a YES man !!! They say Jump / He says How High !!!!

    Take away his Smokey Bear Hat !!! LOL LOL

  30. @318 You aren't the leader of a revolution or fighting the man or the system. You're just another malcontent rebel without a cause expressing your butthurt online. If you don't like Wicomico county move your ass out. You'll be making the same whines wherever you go because you dislike authority in no small part due to the fact you are not and never will be that authority.

    Your rhetoric is so transparent. You make these assertions that it's so bad here yet you stay right here. And if you aren't here and are happy wherever you are why in the hell do you even care?

    1. Sorry @8:10 I had sense enough to get out of tht shi* hole about ten years ago. Sounds like you might be getting your toes stepped on 😉. Funny how the truth hurts you spineless gullible wannabe

    2. Hahahaha you got out and still concerned with whats going on here. Move on clown.

  31. Crybabies and complaining. Makes sense. Just move. Bye

  32. How about "we the people" having a say in this? I do not want Maryland becoming a sanctuary state. Who the hell is he to say we will?


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