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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Senate votes to limit Donald Trump's powers to wage war on Iran after eight Republicans defy him to side with Democrats

The Senate approved a bipartisan measure Thursday limiting President Donald Trump's authority to launch military operations against Iran.

Eight Republicans joined with Democrats to pass the resolution by a 55-45 vote.

The rebels were Lamar Alexander; Bill Cassidy; Susan Collins; Mike Lee; Jerry Moran; Lisa Murkowski; Rand Paul; and Todd Young.

The measure, authored by Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., says Trump must win approval from Congress before engaging in further military action against Iran.



  1. I'm nearly convinced rand paul has mental problems, one minute he's a white hat hero, the next he's huddled with known traitors. Think, who would benefit from bribing/paying off these people. Who would benefit from tying the Pres's hand against leveraging these terrorist? If these traitors find out about ANY secret military plans they will compromise the mission.

    1. He is an independent thinker. I know rare these times. He doesnt just cater to political lines. He doesnt just agree and obey kike the rest of you. He thinks for himself.

      Nobody needs to agree with him 100% of the time and he doesnt care if they dont.

      He should be respected for it though. If you agree with every thing the repubs or president says or does it is you with a mental illness.

  2. Thank goodness, that idiot will start WW3

  3. Checks and balances prevent dictatorships.

  4. Forgive me if I don't want a draft dodger taking us to war


    Veto baby! Yeah!

  6. It was always supposed to have been that way. My only complaint is that they only decided to enforce it when President Trump is in office!

    1. You are absolutely correct. Nancy gets her feelings hurt when Trump ignores her (remember the STOU speech she tore up). Nancy thinks she is President. In a few months Nancy won't even be the speaker.

  7. They gave Obama these rights and Obama used them without any opposition. Now Trump uses them and Congress criticizes him. Talk about a mental health Congress. Besides Trump was not abusing the war powers act with one strike protecting Americans.

  8. Rand Paul is Turncoat!

  9. 953 exactly. Congress is supposed to be the one who checks the power of the president to go to war. This is a simple course correction. Please go back and review your constitution and history book.

    1023 actually this has been an ongoing debate going back to Bush going into Iraq. Wake up please.

  10. That Kaine authored it says it all. Look what’s going on in VA.

  11. WTF?? 9:23..we will have a revolution well before WIII because actions like this and morons like you...smh. Do nothing Gov, nothing gets done and no progress! POTUS is there just because of this sht and America had enough!

  12. 9:39--
    He's not a draft dodger, if you do research rather than repeat hateful crap. I would rather have a President that has balls enough to stand up for our country, rather than bow & scrape like the last occupant!

    1. Bwahaha dude got daddy's doctor to right up some bull to keep him out. That is the very definition of draft dodgin. Something tells me you also believe he is a "self made" richie rich

  13. If our congress and 3 letter agencies werent loaded with corrupt traitors ....this wouldnt be an issue. They had no issue with oborna doing over 2000 drone attacks without their permission. Fact is, democrats are in bed with most all terrorist and corrupt nations, thats how they're able to launder USAID money...billions...for decades.

  14. They better be available at all hours of everyday day. If he needs to take action it can’t wait for weeks while they debate.

  15. They don't have the power to do anything !!!
    HE is commander-in-Chief !!!! Period Waaaaaaaa !!!!

  16. Dear Readers,

    POTUS needs to be able to counter various threats, and as a former 11-Bravo and 11-Xray, I support the ability of POTUS to make decisions on military matters in conjunction with he JTOS and JSOC that are not act of war engagements, but rather, singular situations that can prevent all out war.. Having been on the receiving end of many ordered actions, there is just not time to have a congressional debate on matters of national security. Certainly we need consensus on significant war actions, but debating actions against known terrorists and their actions (and how to concisely address said threats) deliberation is not an option when our military service personnel and our national security is at stake.



  17. Not enough votes to override veto so what the hell was the point? Political waste of time.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Thank goodness, that idiot will start WW3

    February 14, 2020 at 9:12 AM

    BAHAHAHAHA!! What Libtard are you?

  19. Anonymous said...
    They gave Obama these rights and Obama used them without any opposition. Now Trump uses them and Congress criticizes him. Talk about a mental health Congress. Besides Trump was not abusing the war powers act with one strike protecting Americans.

    February 14, 2020 at 11:54 AM

    Exactly!! Thank you!

  20. Anonymous said...
    Rand Paul is Turncoat!

    February 14, 2020 at 12:10 PM

    Exactly! I've never trusted him or his daddy! Both mental cases!

  21. Anonymous said...
    That Kaine authored it says it all. Look what’s going on in VA.

    February 14, 2020 at 12:30 PM

    That Tim Kaine sponsored this bill and these RINO's went along with them speaks volumes.

  22. Anonymous said...
    WTF?? 9:23..we will have a revolution well before WIII because actions like this and morons like you...smh. Do nothing Gov, nothing gets done and no progress! POTUS is there just because of this sht and America had enough!

    February 14, 2020 at 12:31 PM


  23. Anonymous said...
    He's not a draft dodger, if you do research rather than repeat hateful crap. I would rather have a President that has balls enough to stand up for our country, rather than bow & scrape like the last occupant!

    February 14, 2020 at 12:36 PM


  24. Anonymous said...
    If our congress and 3 letter agencies werent loaded with corrupt traitors ....this wouldnt be an issue. They had no issue with oborna doing over 2000 drone attacks without their permission. Fact is, democrats are in bed with most all terrorist and corrupt nations, thats how they're able to launder USAID money...billions...for decades.

    February 14, 2020 at 12:47 PM

    All of the corruption is being exposed because of the criminals that Obama planted in the DC establishments. Trump's mistake was not cleaning house immediately after getting sworn in.

  25. Anonymous said...
    They don't have the power to do anything !!!
    HE is commander-in-Chief !!!! Period Waaaaaaaa !!!!

    February 14, 2020 at 5:34 PM

    Yes he is. The best we have had since Reagan.

  26. Kaine just another Demon-crat & is IRRELEVANT !!!!

  27. Congress is NOT Commander in Chief or POTUS !!!

    They need to get Back to Doing THEIR JOB !!!!

  28. February 14, 2020 at 10:57 PM:

    Rabidly biased much? How much time did your Muslim president serve in the military? NONE, that's right. How about your deceitful, lie to Congress, hero Clinton? When did military service become a requirement for president? NEVER, that's right. BTW, try learning to spell. Something tells me you're not too educated. The very definition of ignorant.

  29. Why are the commenters cheering for war powers?

    The People need to LIMIT their government, not cheer for the deranged Zionist Branch of it.
    Wake up and smell the Facism.

  30. POTUS Can Do as he Pleases & Decides to do & Congress
    can Wine all they want , all for Nothing !!!!

    Every time something comes up in the world the POTUS is
    threatened by Congress !!!! He Does NOT need them !!!!

  31. How about voting to Limit the damn Democrats in the House !!!!

  32. The democrats in Congress will surrender our country to our enemies before they will let Trump defend us. Just more TDS from the democrats.

  33. A "resolution," that's it? It has all the weight of nothing. Feel good talk is all it is. NO weight of law. The constitution defines the president's power, not congress.


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