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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Alabama Democrat proposes bill mandating all men have vasectomy at age 50 or after third child

MONTGOMERY — State Rep. Rolanda Hollis (D-Birmingham) on Thursday filed a bill that would mandate every Alabama man to undergo a vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday or the birth of his third biological child, whichever comes first.

Democrats in the Alabama legislature last year brought up the possibility of introducing such a bill during the abortion debate on 2019’s HB 314, known as the Human Life Protection Act.

“Under existing law, there are no restrictions on the reproductive rights of men,” states the introduction to Hollis’ new bill, HB 238.



  1. Tie that whores tubes.

  2. Is it just me or does EVERY democratic legislative proposal sound like one step closer to communism? China 2.0

  3. well , there`s nothing else to say about this except to say liberals are insane.

  4. Isn't there some joke there about kicking their sister in the jaw

  5. I assure you that if you ever try and force a scalpel near my genitalia without my permission someone will end up beheaded.

  6. How about proposing a law that idiots like her have a lobotomy...at her expense...

  7. After looking at that nasty looking mug, maybe her daddy should have had one first ? Yikes...

  8. These Politicians are on our PAYROLL TAXES

    Who the F do they think they are?

  9. This is what the progressive left does , they steadily progress towards Fascism

  10. Wow, is this China???

  11. 5:43

    Forget the vasectomy. Just require all men to look at Rolanda Hollis's picture.

    Yikes is right!

  12. C'mon all of you wimps. It doesn't hurt that long.

  13. So sick of these tyrants!

  14. Just please support Planned Parenthood.
    They really are working as hard as they can to rid the world of this lunacy one future Democrat voter at a time.

  15. Rush Limbaugh said the best birth control would be to have a picture of Hillary in every bedroom.

  16. Ya'll seem to have missed the brilliant bit of trolling happening here. She is legislating about MEN'S reproductive rights to expose the fraud of government legislating on WOMEN'S reproductive rights... and as intended it got the reaction it wanted.

    She's pointing out the problem with legislating about abortion, and bodily autonomy of women. You all immediately were put off by the premise of this, but not by doing the same to a woman. You prove her point.

    OF COURSE this legislation won't pass and it shouldn't. Neither should any on women's reproductive rights.

    1. As a woman, if I didn't want to get pregnant, I would use birth control, or my partner would... "to me, reproductive Rights" imply HAVING a baby...not killing it...if you don't want to get pregnant and refuse to use birth control, keep your legs together...now you will go on about incest and rape pregnancy... those cases are few compared to the hundreds of thousands of abortions each year due to laziness to prevent pregnancy.

    2. You lost me with, “if I was a woman” quit telling me what to do with my body.

    3. Can't read very well, can you?...I wrote "AS A WOMAN". Try again pal.

    4. Totally not the same. The government didn't get her pregnant, she got pregnant and now she wants to kill someone else for her mistake. Guess you could say it sucks that women are the ones with the ability to bring life into this world but it is the REALITY. The libs would rather push for some fake "fairness" than accept the reality that men and women are biologically different.

  17. Good grief who voted this crap into office? And Alabama wonders why THEY get a bad reputation.

  18. Women say, 'my body, my choice'. The fetus says, 'make your choice before you kill my body'.

  19. @945 Men's reproductive rights don't come with life inside them. Idiotic comparison.

  20. How about any male that has fathered 3 or more children, but refuse to pay child support. Maybe they should be included in this idea, Rep Hollis.

  21. This is Not China >> IDIOT !!!!

  22. Look it is the womans fault if she gets knocked up.

  23. February 14, 2020 at 9:45 AM:

    Hey moron, a vasectomy does not KILL a developing human being. Mandating vasectomies is a stupid attack on men's reproductive rights. No comparison. Women have a right to reproduce (nobody is trying to stop them), but civilized people don't kill their developing babies for "convenience." Roe v Wade was wrong, and millions of developing babes have been murdered in the womb for women's convenience, and not for any medical necessity. Morally wrong, and if moral Americans have their way, it is about to be changed. I have no qualms for abortions that are medically necessary. But legislation is needed to stop women from using abortions for birth control. No moral person can argue that women have a "right" to abortion on demand and for the "convenience" of not have a baby that was conceived in her womb.

  24. I believe in "you breed 'em, you feed 'em". If you can't do that, then sterilization should be the alternative after one or two kids.

  25. i played high school basketball with a guy who had 3 kids

  26. SO now that government wants to interfere with mens body's its wrong!

  27. SO now that government wants to interfere with mens body's its wrong!

    February 17, 2020 at 8:52 AM:

    So you have problems connecting the dots, eh? Nobody is talking about STERILIZING women and stopping them from reproducing. That's what vasectomies do to men. You look at the issue with blinders on. You have no clue how to argue a point. So you think killing a developing fetus is "reproductive" rights? I vehemently disagree with you. There is no right in the constitution to kill a developing human in a woman's womb just for her convenience. But if a woman chooses to kill a full term fetus, then SHE should be sterilized. I would agree to that kind of law. Laws need to be changed to protect developing humans from abortion fanatics like you. Only the most callous woman would kill her fetus so she wouldn't have to care for it.


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