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Sunday, February 23, 2020

California homeless flocking to Malibu beaches, dumping sewage

Officials in Malibu, California, are considering relocating dozens of homeless residents who are staying in RVs along Malibu’s coastline.

Officials say more people are moving to public beaches, using public parking spots and staying for days and weeks at a time. This movement has caused many problems, beyond just denying other residents beach access and parking spots.

“Motorhomes have 30- to 40-, 50-gallon capacities in the septic systems,” Malibu councilmember Jefferson Wagner told FOX Business on Wednesday. “They're dumping [sewage] right onto the rocks or onto the beach, into the public right of way.”

Wagner said this is “a health violation, and it's a humanitarian violation.”


  1. well, get them out of there!. ever hear of the National Guard?

  2. Malipoo Beach seems more appropriate.

  3. If they would just line up in front of Pelosi house it would be the greatest gift of all time

  4. Considering that Malibu has many of the Hollywood anointed pieces of crap, it would seem to me to be apropos that the crap flows downhill to where they live. Ashes to ashes--crap to crap.

  5. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELFFebruary 21, 2020 at 7:16 PM

    oh for crying out loud

    they are not homeless

    THEY ARE HOBOs of yesteryear

  6. Nancy Polosi's state. Couldn't happen in a better place.

  7. Isn't that where a lot of Hollywood stars live.

  8. They are doing what most of us Motorhome owners do, empty our sewage on the side of the road. I usually go to Delaware and drive behind a strip mall.

  9. Poop in the sand !!!

  10. Good. This is what the voters of California deserve.

  11. Northwest Woodsman: I really loved being a resident of California once , in 1975! It has been down hill since t(en. Thanks Pedomarxist democrats.

  12. So when will the GoFundMe page for the Hollywood elite living Malibu be available?

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    well, get them out of there!. ever hear of the National Guard?

    February 21, 2020 at 5:33 PM

    ever hear of 4 dead in Ohio?

  14. If they have motorhomes, how are they homeless? It's not healthy for sure, but what about San Fran?

  15. February 22, 2020 at 3:00 AM

    T F B!

  16. The irony is so thick you can smell it.
    The liberal elites have, for too long, ignored the homeless issue. Now, it shows up on their doorsteps - literally. Too funny. It was always someone else problem or they wanted to sound so humanitarian.


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