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Sunday, February 09, 2020

Jay-Z and Beyonce seated during national anthem at Super Bowl

Rapper and entrepreneur Jay-Z and his singer wife Beyonce were seen seated during the national anthem before the Super Bowl.

A less than 50-second video obtained by TMZ showed the pair seated on Sunday as recording artist Demi Lovato belted out the Star Spangled Banner before a crowd of more than 50,000 people in Miami.

BeyoncĂ© and Jay Z watching Demi Lovato perform the National Anthem at the #SuperBowl. pic.twitter.com/XJjnIVNjWl— Demi Lovato Charts (@dlcharts) February 3, 2020



  1. ahhh....yes, continue supporting this organization. I expect nothing less out of the NFL and people like this. Haven't watched the NFL since this crap started and never will anymore.

    1. Don't blame you. With the blacks showing their racists mindset. Plus the cheating REFEREES. You're not missing a thing.

  2. Not worth the effort expended to read this one.

  3. 2 pieces of $hit that hate the country that made them both super rich.

  4. Probably to stoned to stand up...F them.

  5. They do nothing to advance their race or help many out of abject poverty.

  6. These typical democrats are the norm. Just like Krapernik when is the last time you saw them in an impoverished neighborhood helping the poor. You will not see it. Typical entitled rich people. Pretty sad the biggest contributor to the victims of the Houston floods was a corn fed white man named J.J. Watt. Some people could learn a lot from Watt. He did it because he cared regardless of skin color. As far as I am concerned let it begin. Amazing how some people forget how many young white men fought and died so they could be free. The Civil War pitted brother against brother. Stop crying and get on with living. Hell white people made JZ and Queen Bouncy rich.

  7. Hate the Country?
    Hate the Government?

    There is a big difference. Most readers on this site are oblivious to the difference because they are mind controlled by the evil government.

    Wake up people!

  8. It appears they where having such a good time that I would say they didn't know they were suppose to stand and show respect. Not that I am defending these two. It is just their stupidity that was caught on camera.

  9. Of course they were. Kiddies looking for attention.

  10. i liked the ww2 veterans on the field. TRUE AMERICANS


  11. Hope their insolence and disrespect bites them financially.

  12. Take your freaking money and get out, move to Dubai!

  13. NO surprise > these 2 stuck up Racists are overpaid Trash !!!!

  14. Deport them !!! They don't deserve to be here !!!!

  15. Only in America can a well known drug dealer be accepted and glorified because of his ability to "rap".


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