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Sunday, February 09, 2020

'We will never let socialism destroy American healthcare': Trump swipes at Democrats in State of the Union

President Trump attacked Democratic healthcare proposals in direct terms in his third State of the Union address, denouncing them as socialist.

"We will never let socialism destroy American healthcare," Trump said in his address Tuesday night.

Trump is running against Democrats who propose "Medicare for all" plans, including Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, which would enroll everyone in the United States in a government healthcare plan. Trump, vulnerable on the issue of healthcare otherwise, has sought to cast himself as the defender of the status quo against such overhauls.



  1. destroy American healthcare? What part of a system that allows drug companies to raise prices of life saving insulin beyond the grasp of working Americans do you want to save? I'm sure people said similar things about medicare and look where we are now. What these politicians are really saying is "we will not let socialized medicine destroy the profits of the pharmaceutical and insurance industries because they finance all our campaigns"

  2. I love when "billionaires" and millionaires tell the people whats best for them.

  3. Which "billionaires" and "millionaires" are you referred to 1228? Soros? Pelosi? Sanders? Clinton? Biden? Bloomberg?

  4. not saying Trumps plan is great but under a Socialism medical you only get basics no real care

    1. Were did you live under socialism?

    2. check out the countries that use it Canada for one

    3. maybe you need to go and live in a country that has it and then tell us why

  5. WE will Never let them Destroy our Country period !!!

    Their corrupt asses are FINISHED & will be REMOVED from
    Govt !!!!

    GOTCHA !!!

  6. 12:51 Yes, exactly. This bipartisan, tribal crap needs to stop and we need to start evaluating our elected officials on more than red or blue.

    1. Agree, one nation under God...Indivisible, etc. A LIE! Last time I checked division wasnt heaven sent. Lets agree to disagree and lets support one qualified, just, and well prepared leader.

  7. 1:07 as opposed to now where you will be thrown into more debt for being too poor to afford insurance? I agree with you, there is no perfect solution but our current system sure as hell isn't a great option.

  8. Just ask a Canadian. P. S. They do pay for medical insurance and because it 8s socialized also the wait time to see a doctor 8s usually 3 to 6 months. Now - do we want Medicare for all.

  9. I lived in canada and my tax bite was allot worse then here in the USA

    1. Canada has private insurers now also. Dying in line act that became law.

  10. Hey Trump. The status quo ain't that great.

  11. Obama tried to destroy our Healthcare & came too close to
    doing so !!!! It affected our jobs too , on how many hrs we can
    work & how many insurances we can have & this needs to be
    Thrown OUT completely !!!

  12. As he creates a socialist plan for farmers as a result of his unrealistic tariff plan. Welfare for farmers

  13. Democrats are America's WORST Enemy >> FACT
    This needs to be taken care of FIRST Thing !!!! 2020

    America has been Destroyed from Within & our other enemys
    Love it & sit back and watch the Democrats do it For Them
    without Any Shots fired !!!

  14. Our Military can't save America from the Democrats > ONLY

    our VOTES Can !!!! Our Largest Threat is Right HERE !!!

  15. TO say that you will "not allow socialism " in this Country are the very vo9ices that take socialistic benefits. Hypocrites!


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