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Sunday, February 09, 2020

PETA's founder says calling your dog or cat a 'pet' is derogatory

SAN ANTONIO (KABB) - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is urging people to put an end to the use of the word "pet."

The founder of the animal activist group told a British media outlet that the term "pet" is derogatory and reduces animals from being a living, breathing organism to an inanimate object.

Founder Ingrid Newkirk instead wants people to use the term "animal companions" to describe dogs, cats and other domestic animals. She is also calling for people to refer to themselves as animal "guardians" instead of "owners."



  1. They’re running out of things to be offended by

  2. NOT a pet They are FAMILY & a Heavenly precious Innocent
    Living Being - Better than we Humans are / who know NOT ONE
    sin !!! Not ONE Human can say that !!! They have Many !

    1. It eats is own poo, licks in places I can’t post. And will eat your face of if you die and it begins to starve. I love my dogs but they are dogs

  3. Never have been politically correct and sure as hell am not going to start now. We have a pet in this house, he's a dog.

  4. Pet ? What ? I live with animals the two and four legged sort and I wish they all cleaned up after themselves.

  5. Someone said some people would rather kiss their dog than kiss a human. Well actually I dont mind either but kisses and greetings from my lil fur babies are the best because their love is unconditional and comes from a judgement free place. I love my doggies!!

  6. Man how nitpicking can you get.

  7. I don't like being referred to as "husband", it makes me feel like an object too.

  8. Calling those behind PETA people offends me.

  9. So now when I rub my hands over an dog or cat I am animal companioning them. Surely you jest!

  10. Enough. PETA has nothing good to say about anything, just hateful lost souls.

  11. I told my wife that cutting grass is inhumane. She gave me the sideways glance...

  12. Hey PETA, the Chinese don't call them pets. They call them food.

  13. Pet is a term of endearment for man's best friends dogs and cats , Peta needs to get a grip find something better to do with their time like finding homes for misplaced, homeless pets that have no where to go since, floods, fires and
    major disasters. Do something constructive instead of being critical.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Pet ? What ? I live with animals the two and four legged sort and I wish they all cleaned up after themselves.

    February 7, 2020 at 11:46 PM

    Would you be married by any chance? lol

  15. People SIN / Animals DON"T !!! RESPECT them & Love them

  16. Hey PETA - Why don't you address the outrageous veterinary fees that we have to pay ? $400 for an ultrasound? Unbelievable. I could go on and on what I've paid for my BFF


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