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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Democrat rivals beat down on billionaire Mike Bloomberg in his first debate appearance for calling women 'horse-faced lesbians and fat broads'

The 2020 Democratic hopefuls welcomed Mike Bloomberg to the debate stage Wednesday by pummeling him with punches.

It was Elizabeth Warren - and not Bernie Sanders - who landed the opening jab, quoting Trump-ish comments the billionaire candidate had made about women in the past.

'I'd like to talk about who we're running against, a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians. And no I'm not talking about Donald Trump, I'm talking about Mayor Bloomberg,' Warren said.



  1. Good Entertainment !!! Dems fighting Dems

    Keep Helping Trump > Good work !!!! MAGA

  2. So, a horse-faced lesbian walks into a bar and the bartender says...

  3. Bloomberg is acting just like Hillary did when can running against Trump. You remember - she didn't have to try - it was her turn and the Democrats ensured her she would win. Bloomberg's actions or lack thereof indicate the same situation. He thinks he can buy his way and that America lives him more than Trump. What an idiot. How did he ever become so wealthy? 😡

  4. Looked like to me He BEAT them idiots down !!!


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