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Friday, February 07, 2020

Pa. Man Found Not Guilty Of Attempted Murder In Boardwalk Stabbing

SNOW HILL — Just how much force is the appropriate or valid amount appears to have been the deciding factor in an attempted murder trial this week as the jury found a Pennsylvania man guilty of reckless endangerment for stabbing juveniles on the Boardwalk during a fight last summer.

For three-plus days, a Worcester County jury heard testimony in the cases against Harold Nunez-Dominguez, 19, of Harrisburg, Pa., who was charged with two counts of attempted murder, first- and second-degree assault and reckless endangerment for his role in a major melee on the Boardwalk last June 9. After deliberating for three hours, the jury returned late Thursday afternoon with a guilty verdict on the reckless endangerment count.

Nunez-Dominguez was acquitted on the most serious counts, including attempted second-degree murder, first- and second-degree assault. Each of the reckless endangerment convictions carries a maximum sentence of five years, although the sentencing guidelines for Nunez-Dominguez fall in the range of probation to two years incarceration. Following the jury verdict, a pre-sentence investigation was ordered and a sentencing date has not yet been set.

According to the facts in the case, a major fight broke out on the Boardwalk at Caroline Street around 12:30 a.m. on June 9 involving a friend of Nunez-Dominguez and a larger group of individuals including the eventual two victims. Defense attorney Richard Brueckner argued during trial this week the larger group was beating the defendant’s friend to the point Nunez-Dominguez feared for his friend’s life.



  1. The kid stabbed 2 others...the kid he was "defending" was in a fist fight...not knife fight..the 2 boys stabbed would have died if not for the quick response of first responders.

  2. Spent 8 months in jail for self defense. 8 months!!! Think about that.

    1. Self defense would mean defending HIMSELF...not another person in a fight...did that one boy deserve to have his guts hang out of his body after he was stabbed? It was a stupid fight.. thugs being thugs in our county, and this guy took it too far...

    2. So let's hear the same argument if the fight involves 9 people vs your kid. How about 18 vs your parents?

  3. 9:35--Would you feel the same if it was your child being attacked or if it was a cop.?

    1. My children would not be out on the boardwalk that late, nor running around with thugs...so not applicable.

  4. Back in the 70s you could go to OC and have a great time and feel safe walking the Boardwalk. It is so sad to see what is 😢 happening to the great beach on the Eastern shore.

  5. oc = friendly family town

  6. Northwest Woodsman: Trying again but I’ll try to be more sensitive this time. My earlier comment didn’t make it past the moderator which I don’t understand because I have noted comments that appear to be much more insensitive to race and ethnicity than mine. My point was that when names commonly appeared in local publications back in the 50s and 60s one would be more likely to see names like Jones, Cooper, Cropper, Trimper, etc. and not associated with violence. Just take a look at the names and you can determine where 85 to 90% of criminal behavior originates. There, is that sensitive enough this time?


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