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Sunday, February 23, 2020

More than 1,100 ex-DOJ officials demand Barr resign for doing Trump's 'personal bidding'

Hundreds of former Department of Justice employees have signed an open letter calling for Attorney General William Barr to resign.

Over 1,100 former DOJ prosecutors and officials signed a letter posted on Medium on Sunday condemning Barr and President Trump over the department’s decision to intervene in the case of longtime GOP operative Roger Stone.

"Each of us strongly condemns President Trump’s and Attorney General Barr’s interference in the fair administration of justice," the letter reads.

The DOJ announced on Tuesday that it would seek a lower sentence than the one recommended by the prosecutors working Stone’s case who sought a prison sentence of up to nine years. The letter accuses Barr of doing Trump’s "personal bidding" in intervening in the case.



  1. Who gives a F what these anti-american traitors want. F'em...

  2. They are former for a reason

  3. The swamp is wide and deep and full of such luciferian liers

  4. Now you know why they are EX DOJ employees!!

  5. They are ex officials and the are petrified that their past will be exposed

  6. These 1100 are not only progressive marxist but research is turning up they are also dnc donors, some large donors. As former prosecutors imagine if they also used lies, falsifying evidence and 302's....would they be fearful Barr might dig too deep? How long do you think this very corrupt DOJ has been going on? How many of these prosecutors got paid big to frame others ? How many innocent have been wrongly imprisoned? How many cases must be investigated to right this wrong?
    Would this create a crisis? Should this administration look the other way on decades of judicial corruption? With just these few cases we can all see that not only the gov prosecutors are breaking laws...but so are the judges.


  7. The President could be a bit less vocal on these cases still in the court system, but he has the right and authority to weigh in.

    Thus far AG Barr has done a good job of pushing forward while keeping it within the lines so that reversals don't occur. Keep checking the Won v Lost column. He and the President have a good track record.

    Take the long view.

  8. I don't think that's how it works. Hear that sucking sound? GO TRUMP!

  9. Replace him with a man with a strong respect for law. His first directed arrest should be focusing on obama, hillary, comey, steel, paige etc, etc.

    1. We don't know what Barr is working. McCabe DOJ investigation was dropped - Was McCabe given a plea deal for something bigger. I am still waiting for the Democrats to pay for their corruption. It doesn't seem like it will happen anytime soon if at all. 😡

  10. 1019am, find some resolve... if those thugs you mentioned were arrested now with courts full of corrupt judges and prosecutors....what would happen...those thugs get off scott free...thing long game...trust the plan.

    1. When will the corrupt judges be replaced 11:07

  11. Gee with their opinions and a 1.69 you can get a large coffee

  12. Hello?? Does Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch ring a bell to any of those 1,100 suck-ups??
    Hell, we even had the IRS doing the AG's bidding.
    Barr requests leniency in one case and he's suddenly Trump's lap-dog??
    I hope Barr pushes back even harder against these life-long bureaucrats!

  13. Can we expect the firing of these 1.200 ex-patriots and return to normal?

  14. 1100 traitors of America covering for the corrupt officials that put them in.

  15. Wonder what they're hiding...Traitors all.

  16. For whom did they vote in 2016?

  17. I find their desire for the "fair administration of justice" to be one of the most two-faced, hypocritical, politically motivated comedic stands to be taken by these anti-American enforcers of Two Sets of Laws.
    They should go on tour with Larry the Cable Guy.

    Keep cheering.

  18. That list has grown to over 2,000

  19. Nearly 10,000 attorneys work for the DOJ. The Obama fans signed the petition.
    Tells me all I need to know.


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