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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

#WalkAway – Lifelong Democrat Rips Up His Democrat Voter Registration Card, Registers as Republican and Will Vote For Trump

Bill, a lifelong Democrat decided to walk away from the Democrat party because they have moved too far left and he can no longer support them.

“Bill just walked into our office and told me he is a life long Democrat but that the party has moved so far left that he can longer support them,” Christopher, the VP for ‘Students for Trump’ at Arizona State University tweeted.

“He ripped up his Democratic voter registration card and I just registered him to vote as a Republican!” he added.



  1. Bill isn't alone. Election officials report that it's the busiest they've ever been in changing party affiliations.

  2. As a lifetime Republican i am going to do the same and register a Democrat

    1. You sir are a communist who enjoys killing 1/2 million babies a yrar, lying cheating and thriving if you move to the democrook party

    2. Hell yeah, that's what I love

    3. No your not, chances are you haven't voted in an election in the last 8 years!

    4. You won't be missed 117

    5. 1:17 You maybe registered a Republican but I’d be willing to bet that IF you do vote, you vote Democrat every time. The Republican Party welcomes your departure👌🏻

  3. 1:17 All good 1:17. Not everyone is intelligent😉

  4. After 57 years as a Democrat & voting in every election, I, too, recently changed my affiliation to Republican. It became embarrassing for me for others to think I agreed with the Democrat politics. Being the staunch Democrat that my father was, I know he has turned over in his grave!

  5. And more are doing it but just not saying it.


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