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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

McCaul: Soleimani Strike Briefing Showed 'Imminent Threat'

Rep. Mike McCaul, R-Texas, said Monday he was briefed about the strike that took out Iranian Gen. Qassam Soleimani, and there was an "imminent threat" that required President Donald Trump to take action.

"The fact that there was an imminent threat, that I've been briefed on by both the Vice President [Mike Pence], when I got the briefing of the strike, [and] the national security adviser," McCaul told Fox News' "Outnumbered Overtime." "This threat was imminent, and we stopped it by taking out Soleimani."

Further details about the threat are in the "classified space" as for now, said McCaul, adding National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien and Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff "who I've known for a long time" presented "clear, unambiguous intelligence" on Soleimani.

He added, many Americans were not aware of Soleimani's actions until the airstrike, but "he's been the architect of terror in the Middle East, the mastermind, if you will, for the last several decades... killing hundreds of Americans."



  1. Rot in hell your dirt bag

  2. Weird how everything Trump does benefits Russia, Russia now in talks to give Iraq an s400 missile system. Yet another war Republicans will get us into to secure another presidency. (See, weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist and Bush's VP's ex company Haliburton magically getting oil contracts with no competition). Crooked as them come, the lot of you.

    1. Shut up Nancy!!! No collusion!!! Get over the Russia thing it never happened neither did the quid pro quo in Ukraine. Wake up stop soaking your brain with liberal media nonsense. Trump is the best president we have ever had he’s only doing exactly what he said he was gonna do and that’s what we need, a leader not an apologizer.


  3. Amazing how the 'press' has been very critical of the intelligence behind this--

    I'm sure they're all cleared Top Secret SCI, so they are qualified to judge.

    They don't have a CLUE what they're talking about, other than reading the talking points the democrats hand them.

    Useful idiots.

  4. And Iran thought we couldn't touch him. Not only did Trump touch him from 6000 miles away, but he blew him into so many pieces that no one can recognize what's in his casket. Message delivered. Needed to be done. All Obama did was pay them off and appease them, all the while they are building nuclear weapons that they threaten to use on us and Israel, blasting holes in international oil tankers, and bombing Saudi Arabian oil facilities. Best message sent since the Iranian embassy and hostage taking. The Bengahzi attack in Libya was done by the same Iranian sponsored militias that attacked the embassy in Baghdad. Obama and Hilliary watch the Libyan attack on TV, sent no troops to help, and went to bed while our diplomat and 3 other Americans were slaughtered. The Ayatollah just found out that Trump is no Obama. Iran has been spreading fear long enough. Now it is their turn to fear the US. Iran will be walking on eggshells now, and not want to prod Trump into any more retaliatory attacks. It took the broad daylight attack to take out their top general for them to get the message that Trump means what he says. No fake red lines in the sand. Touch our embassies in the mideast, or kill our citizens, and Trump will come after you.

  5. 2:57
    You are simply uneducated.

    The MSM is intelligence.
    Hollywood has always been intelligence.

    1. Wow 4:10, I sure hope you're joking. If not all the air you've breathed and all the food you've eaten has been wasted

  6. 257, the press, AND YOU, SHOULD be critical. And it amazes me how the same folks that have blasted the intelligence community as enemies of the state for years when it comes to Trump, are now saying they are all in on whatever they are told. Lastly, unlike you all, people are not necessarily questioning the intelligence community per se, more so the story they are getting out of a White House that has a pretty shady relationship with the truth.

  7. What did obama do when they kipnapped our sailors to NOTHING..try that with TRUMP IRAN dare ya

  8. 416
    You haven't learned anything yet about intelligence.
    Do some reading. The information is there for all to see and read.
    Intelligence was created centuries ago by the richest people in the world who finance them.
    Intelligence is the Deep State.
    It is the real power behind government.
    The politicians are puppets who TALK.
    Intelligence runs the world.

    Nov 22, 1963

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Wow 4:10, I sure hope you're joking. If not all the air you've breathed and all the food you've eaten has been wasted

    January 7, 2020 at 8:02 PM

    Lol I was thinking something similar.

  10. Which way do you want it? Believe in our intelligence or don't believe American intelligence. Must be a matter of convenience


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