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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Hunter Biden Accused of Identity Theft – Used His Dead Brother’s Identity to Make False Statements to Police

Crackhead Hunter Biden is linked to a 2016 identity theft involving his dead brother Beau Biden and a person named “Joseph McGee.”

Beau Biden, the eldest of Joe Biden’s three children with his first wife, served as Delaware’s 44th Attorney General and passed away in January of 2015 of brain cancer.

According to newly submitted court documents in Hunter Biden’s paternity case with former stripper Lunden Roberts, Hunter used his deceased brother’s identity to check into a rehab facility and make false statements to the police.

Hunter Biden also “dated” his deceased brother’s wife before impregnating DC stripper Lunden Roberts — what a sick, sick, man!



  1. And thats all folks..
    The luciferian Illuminati/Mason/Shriners do
    stick together

    Thats who & what the swamp people are. Lower members are clueless to who these monsters WORSHIP

  2. Where are the arrests

    1. Two tier legal system! You and I are in the lower tier were any and all charges are brought against us even for the most minor violation. The upper tier no charges are ever brought unless it is cold blooded murder in front of more than 5 witnesses!!

  3. They worship themselves.

  4. Neither one of them is smart enough to be Masonic nor carry themselves in a responsible manner!! Plus the Masons elected him and are proud of it! Ask one...

  5. the evidence was destroyed after they determined NOT to file charges.... really?????????????????

  6. hunter biden is a scum bag.

  7. Two Sets of Laws.

    Right in your face. You cheer.

    And, the deeper they dig, the more they find. This guy left a trail of bad habits and crime 12 feet wide.

    Hillary will probably have him killed soon. Watch.

    Keep cheering.

  8. Info DADDY don't want you to know !!!!

  9. Blue-Blood Bidens !!! LOL LOL


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