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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

This is a powerful scene to say the least.


  1. Is it powerful because they are all dressed the same?

    Or is it powerful because they’re job is defending Israel, which is not a Christian State?

  2. This is exactly why we owe our troops waaaaaay more than to simply blindly follow elected officials as they lead us into (or out) of war. Cut your partisan garbage, gather the real facts, think critically and analyze those facts objectively, and stop putting your support automatically behind politicians based off the letter in front of their names. You would think you guys would have learned this over the last 15 years since Iraq round II.

  3. Sad waste. We don't need troops on the ground anywhere. We have the technology to diffuse any situation. Sending in troops just panders to a voting population that's offspring have nothing more to offer than their lives in ridiculous conflicts.

  4. OK, 4:05, Let me break it down for ya.....

    It's powerful because these are men and women who have VOLUNTEERED to give their lives for an ideal and so that YOU can preach BS about Israel. Know what God said about those who protect and defend Israel?
    And if God is with us, who can be against us? Say that again to yourself. I mean, except the "everything is bad because of Trump" losers......
    It's powerful because these same men and women ALSO know there is a higher power than them.
    Selfless and humble. Not a bad combination.

  5. Thank you for the wonderful job you do
    God Bless our military!
    God Bless our country!
    God Bless our President!

  6. 4:08
    No they are not muslims. Don't you hear the music playing? Muslims don't use music in their mosques. They also don't allow men and women to pray together. This is down south. Not in the Middle East.

  7. 4:05 Israel doesn’t need us to defend them. They aren’t pansy’s like Obama. They defend themselves and kick Muslim butt when needed.
    A lesson we need to learn.

  8. 12:27 Thank you. 4:05 Has a sever case of dumbassness and hasn’t taken his meds. Pay him no mind 😂

  9. 1227 so I guess we can stop sending them billions of our tax dollars every year

    1. 9:31 That would be great! Can we do the rest of the countries we send tax dollars too? Don’t just single out Israel 🙄

  10. How about praying that our idiot leaders don't send our kids to die for their profits, votes, or political gain?

    Why do we pray for them only when they are going to be sent to possible death.

    We need to be praying BEFORE it gets to that point. Pray our leaders are smart enough to know when it is time to give up the lives of our young adults. Pray our leaders are talented enough to prevent such things from happening.

    Why don't our leaders ask us to pray for THAT? It's only "pray for the troops as we send them to possibly die"... and "oh by the way... here is an image of soldiers praying to give you the warm fuzzies to distract from the fact we are sending them to possibly die"

    I find it distasteful, and disrespectful to their service to use them like this.

  11. Just remember Christian Zionists, Netanyahu recently said the assassination of the Iranian general was America's move and they had nothing to do with it so leave them out of it. Mind you this is after he and his Zionist friends in the States, agents of Israel actually, lobbied for the last two decades for war with them. Sending your sons and daughters to die for that apartheid state in which the people believe you cattle, goyim, is deranged. It's like the Jews fighting on behalf of the Nazi party.

    That is what you call being "Jew'd". They antagonize you into a war on their behalf then stay out of it and place the blame on you.

  12. When I was in Basic training America was even training the
    damn enemy Iranians in my class to be aircraft mechanics &
    selling our planes to them & training their pilots .

    They Hated us & stared at us all day like they wanted to kill us !!
    I knew it was wrong to train our enemy then , & knew they would
    later prove to be our enemy & I was right !!!


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