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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

A Delaware man faces federal charges after he allegedly threw an incendiary device at a Planned Parenthood facility

A Delaware man threw a lit incendiary device at a Planned Parenthood facility and spray-painted the Latin words for "God wills it" on the building, federal prosecutors said Monday.

Samuel James Gulick, 18, of Middletown, was charged with intentionally damaging a building that provides reproductive health services and maliciously damaging a building used in interstate commerce through the use of fire or a destructive device, the US Attorney's office in Delaware said.

Gulick was also charged with possession of an unregistered destructive device under the National Firearms Act in connection with the January 3 incident at the Planned Parenthood facility in Newark, Delaware.


  1. That's a bit redundant.

  2. All hail satan. The luciferian planned parenthood are protected. Killing of GODS gift of life being snuffed out. Better to defund the evil agency then to stoop to the violent level

  3. He isn't even old enough to smoke a cigarette.

    This belongs in Family Court.
    Help the child understand morals.

  4. Anyone cold enough to kill unborn children should be deaded, the boy aint wrong.

  5. A candle is an incendiary device.

  6. Virginia Gov. "Coonman" Northam said he would kill a born baby as an abortion.

  7. This is a religiously motivated terror attack. I wonder how many of you will condemn this act of religious extremism... this domestic terror attack?

    I wonder how many will turn a blind eye because the terror attack is perpetrated by their team?

    Don't like or agree with Planned Parenthood? FINE. Vote in politicians that will represent you as such. Win the argument in the market place of ideas.

    But I HOPE we can all agree to condemn all acts of terrorism, and ALL acts of religious extremism.


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