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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Sheriff Offers Free CCW Classes So Churches Can Shoot Back

The sheriff in Butler County, Ohio, is offering free concealed carry weapons courses so churches can form a security team and shoot back, as did the church that was attacked in Texas.

Sheriff Richard K. Jones put out an announcement, saying, “Unfortunately, in these days and times, no place is immune from mass shootings and we want our citizens to go to church without worry and fear, feeling safe and secure to worship with their families and their fellow church members.”

To that end, Jones’ office is offering “free CCW classes to churches that have or are implementing security teams.”

More here


  1. Good for them !!!

  2. Who needs a gun when your hands are lethal?

  3. You paying attention HOGAN..why cant i protect myself? What are you and your anti constitutional ilk afraid of? Real justice being served? Instead of the crap the courts hand us. You guys sure have the revolving door scam going good why screw up a bad thing by reducing police courts and jail beds.

    1. I can protect you little women I’m trained

  4. This sounds like a GREAT Sheriff NOT like little LEWIS

  5. 504
    You don't seem to understand.
    If Mr Hogan (or Mr Trump) doesn't parrot the talking points he is given, then someone else will do it.
    The elites will simply hire another pork belly goyim to do their bidding.

    Wake up.

    The Country you and I grew up with is gone.
    Not coming back.

    Welcome to the New World Order.

  6. 4:47 - grow up - nobody cares about your how tough you think you are. Besides, I'm quite sure you would suffer from lead poisoning like anyone else.

  7. 4:47PM I have never seen lethal hands stop lethal bullets but I sure would like to see you try!You might change your mind about needing a gun.

  8. Man Bun @ Salisbury UniversityJanuary 7, 2020 at 6:39 PM

    Guns scare me

  9. Salisbury & DelMarVa area need to do the same !!! Needed


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