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Friday, January 17, 2020

OC: Small Water Rate Hike To Fund Big Projects

OCEAN CITY — Resort residents can expect a water usage rate increase over the next five years, but the modest hike will offset the cost of major infrastructure improvements.

The Mayor and Council this week got a review of the town’s five-year comprehensive water and wastewater rate study prepared and presented by consultant NewGen Strategies and Solutions. The report is weighty and rife with technical complexities, but in layman’s terms, the town continues to invest in its water infrastructure with an estimated $60 million in improvements over the next six years, including the development of a new water treatment plant off 66th Street.

The water and wastewater systems are enterprise funds, meaning they are largely paid for by the consumer through various fees. As such, with $60 million in improvements in the offing over the next five years, the consultant is recommending a modest water rate increase of around 3%. The proposed increase will add about $7 to the consumer’s quarterly water bill, or take it roughly from an average of $93 per quarter to about $100 per quarter.



  1. Wait until Wicomico County residents see the tax increases that are coming to fund the 2021-2026 CIP? Its on the County webpage under Council Brief Book.

  2. oh well. whats another tax hike or two, we all have plenty of money

  3. sure it will! get used to it!

  4. MOVE IDIOTS! Then OC will become just like Baltimore.

  5. Do they think calling every increase in taxes and fees on the citizens and tourists in OC "modest" will keep people from complaining. The raise ALL fees, taxes, parking, etc. every year, over and over, and will not stop as long as they can stay in office and continue to get away with it. I hope to live long enough to see what it will take for the citizens and the tourist to say, enough is enough!

  6. Has anyone notice that this is the most lame and libtard City Council in decades? Yeah, your boi


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