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Friday, January 17, 2020

Media label Tennessee religious liberty bill as ‘anti-gay’

For most major news organizations, accuracy often takes a back seat to ideology, which is why groups such as the Associated Press are mischaracterizing Tennessee’s new religious liberty bill as “anti-gay.”

The legislation in question allows faith-based foster and adoptive groups to receive taxpayer funds even if they decline to work with members of the LGBT community. The bill ensures that religious organizations won’t also be asked to violate their convictions to receive public funding. It is the same basic principle behind the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which was signed into law in 1993 by President Bill Clinton.

For the Associated Press and others, however, Tennessee’s new bill, which Republican Gov. Bill Lee announced this week that he would sign into law, is “anti-gay.”



  1. "We just want to be equal and be treated with respect."

    That was a lie from day one.

  2. These queers need to be put back in the closet!

  3. What's wrong with being anti-gay?


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