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Friday, January 17, 2020

WCSAO- Patrick Orrie Vetra Convicted Of Armed Robbery


  1. Speaking of Jamie Dykes, she is listed a contributor to Jake Day's campaign!!

    Letter to the Editor

    The City of Salisbury has available on its website the Campaign Finance Report for all candidates in the Nov. 5, 2019 city race.

    I find it funny that Michele Gregory passed several bad checks from her campaign account.

    "Jake Day for Maryland" new campaign account.

    All of the reports can be found online at Salisbury.md/campaign-financials-12-20-19

    Here is the Link to Jake Day's Campaign Finance Report. I would like to see you post Jake's report so that we can all see who financed his campaign. I am shocked at how many so-called Republicans donated to his campaign. Another RINO, Dr. Mark Edney(Urologist) who served the previous 4 years as the Vice President of the Wicomico County Central Committee wrote a check to Jake Day for $125. That is one of the most disgusting donations that I saw.

    Another shocker, well not really, is that Austin Whitehead and his father Darron Whitehead their slumlord company Whitehead Properties contributed nearly $1,000 to Jake's campaign.

    Many of Jake Day's contributors were rental property owners who don't even live in the City. Look at all the family members from the Gillis - Gilkerson Klan that donated the maximum of $250 each to Jake's corrupt campaign. Jake Day, Jim Ireton and Barrie Tilghman made the families of Gillis - Gilkerson rich!

    Please post Jake Day's Campaign Finance Report and let all of us dissect it one by one and expose Jake Day, his slumlord friends and the Slumlord industry for what it is, CORRUPTION!!

    Jake Day reported his campaign had spent $58,070.61 on election-related events, advertising and materials. The remaining $979.39 balance in the account was moved to a separate account Jake Day for Maryland for future use. Here is the Link to Jake Day's report which can be downloaded in pdf.

    And be sure to look at the clowns Jake had on the payroll!


  2. the rest of the money in the account went to the jmb basketball team for some reason

  3. Anonymous said...
    the rest of the money in the account went to the jmb basketball team for some reason

    January 17, 2020 at 4:04 PM

    Bwahahahahahahahahaha!! Yep, ask Liz!

  4. Anonymous said...
    the rest of the money in the account went to the jmb basketball team for some reason

    January 17, 2020 at 4:04 PM

    I thought Jake Day was a Cuck.

  5. Jake Day = Cuck

    1. a weak or servile man (often used as a contemptuous term for a man with moderate or progressive political views).

    2. a man whose wife is sexually unfaithful; a cuckold.

  6. Joe here is a story for you. Jake Day runs long time antique store, Season's Best out of town, literally.

    Seasons Best Antiques and Collectibles moved locations
    January 17, 2020 Anissa Lopez

    SALISBURY, Md.–A long-time business have packed their bags and moved out of downtown Salisbury.

    Seasons Best Antiques and Collectibles lived in the heart of downtown for 15 years, but they moved to a new location on 1223 N. Salisbury Blvd.

    Vendors and store owners told 47ABC that they have been looking for a place for about a year now.

    The lease on their old building ended Dec. 31, but they say that is not the only reason why they left.

    A lot of issues that they faced downtown, such as problems with the parking meters, made the decision to move easier.

    “The construction, the parking, the bus people, everybody’s gotta get on a bus, but in and out of the store begging for money, begging for something to eat it’s just it was a good move all around,” Daniel Wilkerson, vendor for Seasons Best Antiques and Collectibles, said.

    The store owners told 47ABC that all of these issues were effecting business and the amount of people that walked through their doors.

    There will be a soft opening this Saturday from 10-5 for customers.

    Their grand opening will be in March.

  7. Jamie Dykes lost my vote. Never again.

  8. From the mugshot, he looks like the mean, callous, SOB that is going to kill somebody someday.

  9. Joe, I think this is a good idea to post Jake's Campaign Finance Report so everyone can see who donated to that IDIOT! Expose the RINO's!

    Anonymous said...
    Speaking of Jamie Dykes, she is listed a contributor to Jake Day's campaign!!

    Letter to the Editor

    The City of Salisbury has available on its website the Campaign Finance Report for all candidates in the Nov. 5, 2019 city race.

    I find it funny that Michele Gregory passed several bad checks from her campaign account.

    "Jake Day for Maryland" new campaign account.

    All of the reports can be found online at Salisbury.md/campaign-financials-12-20-19

    Here is the Link to Jake Day's Campaign Finance Report. I would like to see you post Jake's report so that we can all see who financed his campaign. I am shocked at how many so-called Republicans donated to his campaign. Another RINO, Dr. Mark Edney(Urologist) who served the previous 4 years as the Vice President of the Wicomico County Central Committee wrote a check to Jake Day for $125. That is one of the most disgusting donations that I saw.

    Another shocker, well not really, is that Austin Whitehead and his father Darron Whitehead their slumlord company Whitehead Properties contributed nearly $1,000 to Jake's campaign.

    Many of Jake Day's contributors were rental property owners who don't even live in the City. Look at all the family members from the Gillis - Gilkerson Klan that donated the maximum of $250 each to Jake's corrupt campaign. Jake Day, Jim Ireton and Barrie Tilghman made the families of Gillis - Gilkerson rich!

    Please post Jake Day's Campaign Finance Report and let all of us dissect it one by one and expose Jake Day, his slumlord friends and the Slumlord industry for what it is, CORRUPTION!!

    Jake Day reported his campaign had spent $58,070.61 on election-related events, advertising and materials. The remaining $979.39 balance in the account was moved to a separate account Jake Day for Maryland for future use. Here is the Link to Jake Day's report which can be downloaded in pdf.

    And be sure to look at the clowns Jake had on the payroll!


    January 17, 2020 at 2:02 PM


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