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Friday, January 17, 2020

Kamala Harris Grins Before Calling Impeachment ‘Solemn, Serious Moment’

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) on Thursday was caught flashing a large grin before lamenting the transfer of two impeachment articles to the Senate as a “solemn, serious moment” in an interview with MSNBC.

Harris, who recently ended her ill-fated presidential campaign, is seen smiling at someone in the room before host Kasie Hunt questions her about the Senate’s upcoming impeachment trial against President Donald Trump. Once she realizes she is on a live shot, Harris’ demeanor swiftly changes. “This is a solemn, serious moment,” she says of the impeachment process. “These are the most serious charges brought in the history of our country against a president.”

“The moment we just experienced I think is highlighting the importance of doing impartial justice and taking seriously the importance of listening to the evidence and the importance of receiving evidence,” Harris then says of the swearing-in of senators as jurors in the upper-chamber.



  1. You want to see solemn, and serious, wait until election day. Our time is coming, be patient.

  2. Willie Browns ho is disgusting. Great to see her and the other RACIST BOOKER out of the race.

  3. What is disingenuous is the Senators who campaigned against Trump and said he needs to be defeated took an oath to be impartial. How does that work?

  4. Yea and all the liberals heads will explode come Election Day too 1:00
    Can't wait

  5. This IS no doubt a serious moment and WE Conservatives are patiently waiting for November to oust folks like Kamala and those like her that go against everything we stand for ! MAGA *TRUMP* 2020

  6. She was grinning because her boyfriend was pimping her out and needed a photo of her smile!! Not something she should be smiling about cause she ain’t that hot anymore......

  7. They get corrupt as fast as they get voted in, because there isnt any accountability, immune to prosecution while in office...they gave that to themselves several years ago. There must be accountability before anything will change.

  8. This election in 2020 will show us how Many communists are living in the U.S.
    Aka Democrat = communist

  9. I see her being someone's running mate on the Democrat ticket in November. Democrats will hope that having a "first" on the ticket will get the same result that Obama gave them.


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