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Friday, January 17, 2020

Planned Parenthood launches $45M campaign for 2020 Democrats

Planned Parenthood is launching a new $45 million campaign to support Democrats in the 2020 elections, the organization's most expensive campaign push in its history.

The campaign, under the theme "We Decide 2020," will go toward encouraging the public to vote for pro-abortion Democrats at the local, state, and national level. Planned Parenthood says it will target voters in nine battleground states, according to CBS, including Florida, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, swing states President Trump won in the 2016 election. The campaign will focus on engaging voters via TV and radio ads, canvassing, and digital marketing.

Jenny Lawson, Planned Parenthood Votes executive director, feels the "stakes have never been higher" to elect candidates in favor of abortion, citing fears that Roe v. Wade, a 1973 Supreme Court decision that permitted abortion, is at risk of being overturned.



  1. Geez, the clowns running would throw them under the bus in a heartbeat.

  2. Once again, history does not shine brightly on liberals(it never does, after all). The last liberal SCOTUS majority was the Warren court. Roe v Wade was decided post-Warren. Planned Parenthood v Casey was in 1992. While liberals claim to have championed Roe v Wade, they neither decided it, nor re-affirmed it. That, was in fact, conservative majority SCOTUS decisions.

    While I tend to stay away from the topic myself, I think conservatives ought to focus on fetal viability in regards to restricting abortions. Make that the hard line, fetal viability. Very simple, very well scientifically documented, and it would ensure no late term abortions like the left has been pushing. I think, it's something the majority of the country could get behind, rather than a no abortion v abortion any way you want debate.

  3. BABY KILLERS!!!!!!


  4. So, just deduct $45mil from whatever funding they get from the government.

  5. Doesn't most of their money come from the government? Isn't that a conflict of interest?

  6. Yes 405 that is how progressives fund themselves with our money

  7. Cut all tax dollars to them ASAP since they have 45 million to support a political party when they complain about not having enough money for women's health.

  8. That’s money the government gave the company.


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