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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Secret Service 'aware' of George Lopez assassination 'joke' against Trump

The United States Secret Service is aware of a comment actor and comedian George Lopez made on social media where he referenced assassinating President Trump.

Lopez, 58, responded to a post on Instagram about the Iranian government putting a bounty on Trump's head by saying he would do it for "half" of the $80 million bounty. He was responding to reports that a eulogist at Gen. Qassem Soleimani's funeral called for the president to be killed as payback for Soleimani's death.

"The Secret Service is aware of the Tweet made by Mr. Lopez," a USSS representative told the Washington Examiner on Monday. "The Secret Service takes all threats against the President and or any of our protectees seriously, and as a matter of practice, we do not comment on matters involving protective intelligence."



  1. He needs to be arrested now

  2. Time to take action on these so called "jokes". Put his ass in jail without bond for awhile and see how his jokes won't be so disrespectful.

  3. Its not a joke in today's society. People are crazy

  4. Don't be such a snowflake about it.

  5. He'd be in jail already if he made that comment about hillary

  6. A semi-intelligent person can take a joke and shrug it off if it offends them, up to a point. A snowflake cannot.

  7. 241 you clowns make similar comments about Obama, Hillary, and any other politician you don't like. Yet now you got your panties in a bunch. Hypocrites, all of ya.

    1. DONT put Hillary in the same context as anybody unless they are considered a POS

    2. Ya ? What are you, Canadian ? Or another Hil-liar-y voter still mad ?

  8. Sheriff Lewis is aware of this too.

    1. So you expect Sheriff Mike Lewis to arrest him 5:24 ?

  9. He can be charged with INCITING !!!


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