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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Elizabeth Warren Made Millions Helping Corporations Evade Their Pension and Healthcare Obligations

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has a well-documented history of working for the benefit of the big corporations she routinely rails against, largely building her multimillion-dollar fortune by assisting corporations in navigating the bankruptcy laws she helped pen, Breitbart News senior contributor, bestselling author, and Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President Peter Schweizer reveals in his investigative bombshell Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite.

Because of her legal expertise on bankruptcy laws, Warren advised the National Bankruptcy Review Commission in 1995, acting as a “key advisor on an obscure but profoundly important section of the bankruptcy law called U.S.C. 524(g), which dealt with mass tort bankruptcies of corporations and had to do specifically with asbestos companies.” She would go on to advise companies facing such troubles and financially benefit from their legal woes. She made $212,000 by assisting insurance giant Travelers, which sought immunity from asbestos-related lawsuits, alone.

The revisions to the laws she helped author “had enormous positive ramifications for America’s largest corporations,” allowing “financially healthy corporations to start using bankruptcies as a way to avoid liability from legal suits,” Profiles in Corruption details.



  1. She's just another lying Democrat POS who really doesn't care about the people only herself.

  2. so did her daughter, what's the big deal? we expect our corrupt democrat politicians to steal, since they are all underpaid!

  3. Saw a video where an old codger said Elizabeth Warren was the most honest person he knew. So sad, after his rehab I hope he can meet another person for comparison. Best keep him under close observation though.

  4. Time something is Done about it too !!! MAGA

  5. Sounds like another FBI investigation is in order !!!!!


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