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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Wuhan evacuee tries to walk off California military base halfway through mandatory 72-hour coronavirus observation period - forcing officials to issue quarantine order

A passenger on the US evacuation flight from the coronavirus outbreak epicenter in Wuhan has reportedly tried to leave a California military base less than halfway through a mandatory 72-hour observation period.

Riverside County Health officials issued a quarantine order requiring the passenger to remain at March Air Reserve Base on Thursday.

The subject of the order, who was not identified, was one of 195 passengers who landed at the base in Riverside on Wednesday morning on a flight chartered by the State Department to remove US diplomats and private citizens from the virus-stricken Chinese city of Wuhan.

All of the passengers are being monitored for coronavirus symptoms on the base for 72 hours to ensure they do not pose a risk to the public.



  1. This alarmist Media pending Pandemic makes no reference to the 34,000 people that died of the " ordinary" flu here in the states last year and the 61,000 the year before. As it stands now we have 6,000 documented infections and a few hundred deaths. It's not that big a deal. It only kills the elderly and the weak and what contribution to society do they make ? It's all Hype.

  2. 10:03 PM...excuse me? "It only kills the elderly and the weak and what contribution to society do they make"? Are you serious? What kind of moral genius are you? Who elevated you to pass judgement, comrade?

  3. Gotta wonder what are they trying to distract us from now..

  4. The failing impeachment of the greatest president ever

  5. 5:39 I agree with you.


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